
People around the world are appealing to the UN to exclude Russia from the UN Security Council

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A petição é dirigida a
United Nations

57.152 Assinaturas

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57.152 Assinaturas

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  1. Iniciado 2022
  2. Colecta finalizada
  3. Submetido
  4. Diálogo
  5. Falhado


Porque devo apoiar esta petição?

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It is impossible to reach an agreement with the aggressor; the experience of previous negotiations has already shown this. Russia is a terrorist state. The only way to stop a terrorist is by elimination. While you are in doubt, civilians are dying every minute in Ukraine.



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-A noisy student is kicked out of class; -A party member who has violated moral and ethical principles is excluded from it; -A person who violated the laws of a country is kicked out of it; -An official who breaks the law is fired and tried; -A state that has invaded the territory of another state and is also engaged in non-cide should be excluded from the UN Security Council, because it does not provide any security. Russia is a violator of international law and moral and ethical standards!



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it really should be part of un rules , that way there's no blame at least minimum take away there veto power, again have it embedded in the un only shuts them out of the un council. we need to stand up and do something about what's going on in the Ukraine and if kicking them off the UN council is a start so be it .



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Росія блокує рішення про надсилання миротворців до України. Нам немає про що розмовляти з агресором, який навіть не визнає нашої нації. Ми повинні заблокувати Росію дипломатично, щоб у неї не було голосу.



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Putin's army committed numerous crimes against civilians, totally ignoring the Geneva Convention. The bombing of residential districts and civil infrastructure, including schools, kindergartens, hospitals and nuclear power plants using Grad, Calibr, and Iskander ballistic missiles, as well as engaging fighter jets for this purpose are not compatible with the status of a member of the UN Security Council. It is more compatible with the status of a terrorist.

Fonte: Numerous publicly-available videos and photographs


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Stop Putin

Putin is unpredictable. His action is comparable to Hitlers actions during the World War II. It means he cannot be trusted in any way, and he is paranoidal. His next step will be aggression toward Europe and who knows what’s next. It’s time to stop him until it too late.



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UN membership, Enemy State

It is really very simple. A country that flagrantly violates the UN Charter shouldn't be part of the UN at all. See Chapter 2 of the Charter (i.e. requirements for membership). This of course includes the General Assembly and especially the Security Council. Such nations become "enemy nations": just as Germany and Japan were when the UN was first forms, and subject to the same Allied response.

Fonte: UN Charter, Chapter 2


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Країни світу ! Закликаю вас своїм голосом визнати війну в Україні ! Завтра наступними буде Польща , Литва , Латвія , Естонія ! Допоможіть нам закрити небо ! Розривайте дипломатичні стосунки з Росією !



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Этот военный террор нужно остановить НЕМЕДЛЕННО!!

Этот военный террор нужно остановить НЕМЕДЛЕННО!! Россия специально массово убивает гражданских, таким образом пытается склонить власти Украины к капитуляции. Запрещенное оружие массового уничтожения применяют против мирного населения, гибнут все, дети, женщины, старики. Людей, которые пытаются выехать и спасти свои семьи, грабят и убивают на дорогах! Мы можем сопротивляться, но нам нужна ваша поддержка по всем направлениям. Если мы проиграем эту войну, её проиграет весь мир!!! От вас зависит, в каком мире будут жить ваши и наши дети... времени у нас осталось совсем не много...



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МИР на планете

Всем сранам Европы, всем людям на планете, нужен мир! Россия - государство с нынешней властью приветствует тоталитарный режим, и держит в страхе всю планету. Путин ради своих амбиций, может дать команду нажать ядерную кнопку. Это опасность всему Миру. Будущего просто не будет, если не остановитьмилитаристически захватнические настроения России!



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Quais são os argumentos contra esta petição?

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United (or the long term consequences of decisions we take today)

The aim of our liberal democracy is to show other way of dealing with things. If we restrict/ban/punish/discriminate/shut down from the opinion, we're doing the same things that we accuse of Russians doing - just on the opposite side. By excluding or shutting down from Russia, the "united nation" may turn into another coalition against Russia. And then Russia will unite with other counties (e.g. China) and then we have 2 opposing "united". Will it lead us to the peace in the world or the two conflicting "united" on the continent and more deaths?



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A wish for the peace for one country by wishing destruction to another country is a oneway road. By shutting down from everything one side has to say, will it stop this side from actually doing what they do? The goal is to bring peace and stop destruction of Ukraine or to confront and destroy Russia?



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By suspending the Russian Government from the UN Council we're cutting off another way of communication with them. This is the opposite of what we want I think. We want to go back to diplomatic discussions with them so why cut this line ourselves?



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Ajude a fortalecer a participação cívica. Queremos que as suas preocupações sejam ouvidas, permanecendo independentes.

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