Civil rights

Allow men aged 18-60 without military experience to leave Ukraine

Petitioner not public
Petition is addressed to
Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President of Ukraine

59,578 signatures

The petition was withdrawn by the petitioner

59,578 signatures

The petition was withdrawn by the petitioner

  1. Launched 2022
  2. Collection finished
  3. Submitted
  4. Dialogue
  5. Failed


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One more petition here (maybe it will be more successful):



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We ask every European people and International community to spread this petition around your goverment in the country! We can't leave because of our gender, sex and nationality. We are dying under shelling and sending our families to other country without any support! Please, help us restore the justice. Help us save our lifes and families!!!

Source: This Is Violets Basic Human Rights!!!


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Конституция, права

В соответствии с конституцией Украины и указом о военном положении, 24 статья должна работать без изменений. В соответствии с ней все равно, и не могут дискриминировать по каким либо признакам и в частности полу. Но почему граждане не того пола и возраста лишены равных прав с остальными гражданами?.. Ограничение права выезда - это дискриминация по половому и возрастному признаку.



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EVERYONE should be allowed to leave Ukraine, military experience or not. Nobody should have to get hurt or die because somebody forced him to fight in a war he did not wish to take part in. How can Zelensky say he is fighting for freedom when he forces the people of Ukraine to suffer like this?

Source: Nina's mind


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Democracy, FREE movement, genocide

This petition is to remove the prohibition of a FREE movement of persons. The prohibition is AGAINST the democratic values the country Ukraine is supposed to be directed. The closure of the country boarders of the country that is constantly bombarded from the sky leads to the unprecedented genocide of its population.



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Почему у украинцев меньше прав?

Идёт война между РФ и Украиной, и граждане РФ могут при всех санкциях улететь из РФ, в которой не летают пули и ракеты, не падают бомбы, но в Украине её граждане не могут покинуть страну, и искать укрытие где то в дали от этого ада. Это вдвойне несправедливо.



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What point is there to fight for democracy when the democratic rights and freedom of ukrainian men has been taken away? Those who have no will to fight are better off fleeing working and sending tax money back to the country to support the war effort. Zelenskys actions question whether ukraine is a free and open society or if its a totalitarian one



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What point is there to fight for democracy when the democratic rights and freedom of ukrainian men has been taken away? Those who have no will to fight are better off fleeing working and sending tax money back to the country to support the war effort. Zelenskys actions question whether ukraine is a free and open society or if its a totalitarian one



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human rights

Martial law violates human rights, of the freedom of conscience of any man who wishes to flee due to a conscientious objection to killing others. the ban on leaving Ukraine means they have no choice to flee the attack and the risks they face as civilians in the theatre of war. Ukraine must remain mindful of the legality of its own practice it is legally and ethically wrong to force civilians to stay in harm’s way when they have the opportunity and desire to escape.

Source: Ukraine must remain mindful of the legality of its own practice


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allow men without military experience to leave

What point is there to fight for democracy when the democratic rights and freedom of ukrainian men has been taken away? Those who have no will to fight are better off fleeing working and sending tax money back to the country to support the war effort. Zelenskys actions question whether ukraine is a free and open society or if its a totalitarian one

Source: concerned westerner


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