Region: Paris

ESCP Europe - Caring for our school identity

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Frank Bournois

3 072 Signaturer

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3 072 Signaturer

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  1. Startet 2019
  2. Innsamling ferdig
  3. Sendt inn
  4. Dialog
  5. Mislyktes

Begjæringen er stilet til: Frank Bournois

Recently our school has started an exercise to redefine the meaning of the historical acronym (ESCP stands for Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Paris). While the exercise started as a simple online survey where everyone could propose their ideas, the dean of the school is now giving us a short deadline of barely two days to decide between 5 options, without providing the transparency to the choice nor providing the option to say that none of the options are satisfactory.

Here are the 5 options: “Dear Alumni, Dear Colleagues, Dear Students,

Many of you participated in the consultation. It was a big topic of discussion, even beyond the online poll, and the evidence of a genuine attachment to your school.

What emerges from the survey is that the community has chosen to give it an aspirational character, representing the "raison d'être" which is now a legal part of the official statute of companies.

After selecting the suggestions that were most in line with our identity and our project, the President and I selected 5 proposals:

  • European School for Collective Prosperity
  • European School for Creativity and Performance
  • European School of Commerce and Public affairs
  • European School for Cross-cultural Performance
  • European School for Choices and Perspectives

You are invited to make your choice, via the link below. The poll will be closed on Thursday 21 November, 5.00pm.”

LVMH never changed the meaning of its acronym nor did the MIT. Our school has a heritage and some of it must be modernized for the future but not everything should be lost.

We demand that the current consultation period of time should be extended and the option of “I don’t like any of the above options” to be introduced in the survey.

We look forward to jointly work with our school management and alumni community and find the best solution for the future of our school.

Grunnen til

200 years of history can’t be changed so lightly in two days. This decision has a major impact for the future of our school and its brand.

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Informasjon om kampanjer

Petisjon startet: 20.11.2019
Begjæringen avsluttes: 19.02.2020
Region: Paris
kategori: Utdannelse


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The proposed names are ridiculous. The proposal to the alumniii is closed, with a short delay and not exhaustive

Notre école est connue pour être la première école de commerce de l'histoire, fondée par Say et à Paris. Donc vouloir changer le sens de son acronyme revient à renoncer à cet héritage exactement deux siècles après sa fondation. Je ne pense pas qu'un jour Harvards Business School, Stanford ou London School of Economics songeraient un jour une idée pareille, sans parler de HEC Paris. Notre école est déjà prestigieuse et bien classée, concentrons nous au renforcement de son image plutôt qu'à changer un nom d'une valeur historique inestimable contre un nom anglais sans âme à mon sens.

Bidra til å styrke innbyggermedvirkning. Vi ønsker å gjøre dine bekymringer hørt samtidig som vi forblir uavhengige.

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