Official statements: Nationalrat Austria

No answer yet (176) 98.9%
I agree / agree mostly (2) 1.1%

1 %

1% support a parlamentary request.

1% support a public hearing in a committee of experts.

Image of Verena Nussbaum

Mag. Verena Nussbaum

is a member of parliament Nationalrat

SPÖ, last edited on 03/24/2022

I agree / agree mostly.
I´ll support the request if there will be enough other representives joining.
I support a public hearing in the technical committee.
I support a public hearing in the parliament/plenum.

Vielen Dank für die Einladung zur Stellungnahme. Ich unterstütze Ihre Forderungen inhaltlich und sehe diese Petition als wichtiges Werkzeug, um in Österreich auf das noch weitgehend unbekannte Krankheitsbild und die Situation vieler Betroffener aufmerksam zu machen.
Auch das medizinische Personal und die Ärzt:innen müssen vermehrt auf die Diagnose und die Behandlung dieser Krankheit sensibilisiert werden. Damit einher geht auch, dass es dringend eine Verbesserung der medizinischen Versorgung und mehr Behandlungsmöglichkeiten braucht.
Die Betroffenen müssen dabei unterstützt werden, ein selbstbestimmtes Leben führen zu können.

Heike Grebien

is a member of parliament Nationalrat

GRÜNE, last edited on 03/04/2022

I agree / agree mostly.
I´ll support the request if there will be enough other representives joining.
I support a public hearing in the technical committee.

Liebes Team der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für ME/CFS,

vielen Dank für die Einladung zur Stellungnahme zu Ihrer Petition!
Gerne komme ich als Sprecherin für Menschen mit Behinderungen der grünen Fraktion dieser nach und unterstütze Ihre Forderung nach Anerkennung, medizinischer Versorgung und Absicherung von Betroffenen sowie Forschungsförderung.

Das Krankheitsbild ME/CFS ist in Österreich noch zu wenig bekannt und die Zahl der Erkrankten ist nicht genau messbar. Betroffene haben oft einen mehrjährigen Weg vor sich, um ihre Diagnose zu erhalten und müssen sich in dieser Zeit auch Therapien unterziehen, die kontraproduktiv sind. Hier gibt es also dringend Handlungs- und Verbesserungsbedarf:

- mehr Sensibilisierung und Schulung der Ärzteschaft und des Gesundheitspersonals
- weiterführende Forschung
- bessere soziale Absicherung der Betroffenen

Als Abgeordnete zum Nationalrat habe ich daher die Petition der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für ME/CFS in den Ausschuss für Petitionen und Bürger:inneninitiativen des Nationalrats eingebracht, um sie auf parlamentarischer Ebene mit allen Fraktionen zu behandeln.

Beste Grüße,
Heike Grebien
Abg.z.NR. Sprecherin für Menschen mit Behinderungen

Kurt Egger

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Hermann Weratschnig

MBA MSc Hermann Weratschnig

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Süleyman Zorba

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Irene Neumann-Hartberger

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


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Mag. Romana Deckenbacher

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Rudolf Taschner

Mag. Dr. Rudolf Taschner

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Mag. Peter Weidinger

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Ing. Mag. (FH) Alexandra Tanda

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


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Dr. Josef Smolle

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Mag. Agnes Sirkka Prammer

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Mag. Georg Bürstmayr

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Clemens Stammler

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Mag. Ulrike Fischer

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Dr. Elisabeth Götze

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Sibylle Hamann

Mag. Sibylle Hamann

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Lukas Hammer

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Mag. Markus Koza

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Martin Litschauer

Ing. Martin Litschauer

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Sigrid Maurer

BA Sigrid Maurer

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Barbara Neßler

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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MA Bedrana Ribo

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Astrid Rössler

Dr. Astrid Rössler

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Ralph Schallmeiner

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Mag. Dr. Jakob Schwarz

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of David Stögmüller

David Stögmüller

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Nina Tomaselli

Mag. Nina Tomaselli

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Dipl.-Ing. Olga Voglauer

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Julia Elisabeth Herr

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Klaus Köchl

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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MA Maximilian Köllner

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Katharina Kucharowits

Katharina Kucharowits

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Maximilian Lercher

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Christoph Matznetter

Dr. Christoph Matznetter

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
No answer yet

Mag. Dr. Petra Oberrauner

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
No answer yet

Alois Schroll

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Michael Seemayer

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Rudolf Silvan

Rudolf Silvan

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Petra Vorderwinkler

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Rainer Wimmer

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Eva Blimlinger

Mag. Eva Blimlinger

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
No answer yet

Mag. Meri Disoski

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Faika El-Nagashi

Mag. Faika El-Nagashi

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Ewa Ernst-Dziedzic

Dr. Ewa Ernst-Dziedzic

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Ing. Josef Hechenberger

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Hans Stefan Hintner

Hans Stefan Hintner

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Alexander Melchior

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Andreas Minnich

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Elisabeth Pfurtscheller

Dipl.-Kffr. (FH) Elisabeth Pfurtscheller

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Laurenz Pöttinger

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Carina Reiter

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Gertraud Salzmann

MMMag. Gertraud Salzmann

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Mag. Corinna Scharzenberger

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Elisabeth Scheucher-Pichler

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Joachim Schnabel

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Dr. Christian Stocker

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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MMag. Dr. Agnes Totter

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Ing. Johann Weber

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Christian Drobits

Mag. Christian Drobits

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Wolfgang Zanger

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Christoph Zarits

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Rosa Ecker

Rosa Ecker

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Ing. Nobert Hofer

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Ing. Mag. Volker Reifenberger

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Michael Schnedlitz

Michael Schnedlitz

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Helmut Brandstätter

Dr. Helmut Brandstätter

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Henrike Brandstötter

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Mag. Felix Eypeltauer

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Fiona Fiedler

BEd Fiona Fiedler

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Mag. Martina Künsberg Sarre

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Dr. Johannes Margreiter

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Beate Meinl-Reisinger

Mag. Beate Meinl-Reisinger

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Yannick Shetty

Yannick Shetty

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Pia Philippa Strache

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Lukas Brandweiner

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Gabriela Schwarz

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Norbert Sieber

Norbert Sieber

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Johann Singer

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Mag. Maria Smodics-Neumann

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Wolfgang Sobotka

Mag. Wolfgang Sobotka

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Christoph Stark

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Harald Stefan

Mag. Harald Stefan

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Petra Steger

Petra Steger

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Mag. Michaela Steinacker

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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diplomé Alois Stöger

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Harald Troch

Dr. Harald Troch

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Petra Wimmer

Petra Wimmer

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of August Wöginger

August Wöginger

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Peter Wurm

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Selma Yildirim

Mag. Selma Yildirim

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Nurten Yilmaz

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Christian Ries

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Peter Schmiedlechner

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Johannes Schmuckenschlager

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Mag. Philipp Schrangl

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Josef Muchitsch

Josef Muchitsch

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Edith Mühlberghuber

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Mag Dr. Maria Theresia Niss

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Gabriel Obernosterer

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Friedrich Ofenauer

Mag. Friedrich Ofenauer

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Andreas Ottenschläger

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Claudia Plakolm

Claudia Plakolm

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Nikolaus Prinz

Nikolaus Prinz

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Mag. Christian Ragger

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Walter Rauch

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Pamela Rendi-Wagner

Dr. MSc Pamela Rendi-Wagner

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Andreas Kollross

Andreas Kollross

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Karlheinz Kopf

Karlheinz Kopf

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Kai Jan Krainer

Kai Jan Krainer

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Philip Kucher

Philip Kucher

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Dr. Gudrun Kugler

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Andreas Kühberger

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Andrea Kuntzl

Mag. Andrea Kuntzl

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Robert Laimer

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Christian Lausch

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Mag. Jörg Leichtfried

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Ing. BSc Klaus Lindinger

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Reinhold Lopatka

Dr. Reinhold Lopatka

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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BA Karl Mahrer

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Nico Marchetti

Nico Marchetti

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Reinhold Einwallner

Ing. Reinhold Einwallner

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Karin Greiner

Mag. Karin Greiner

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Christian Hafenecker

MA Christian Hafenecker

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Mag. Gerald Hauser

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


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Image of Gabriele Heinisch-Hosek

Gabriele Heinisch-Hosek

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Ing. Manfred Hofinger

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Johann Höfinger

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Eva Maria Holzleitner

BSc Eva Maria Holzleitner

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Franz Hörl

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Mag. Johanna Jachs

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Carmen Jeitler-Cincelli

Mag. BA Carmen Jeitler-Cincelli

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Alois Kainz

Alois Kainz

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Gerhard Kaniak

Mag. Gerhard Kaniak

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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MMMag. Dr. Axel Kassegger

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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MMSc BA Martina Kaufmann

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Dietmar Keck

Dietmar Keck

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Rebecca Kirchbaumer

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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BSc Eva-Maria Himmelbauer

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


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Image of Doris Bures

Doris Bures

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Georg Strasser

Dipl.-Ing. Georg Strasser

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


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Michael Bernhard

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


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Image of Karin Doppelbauer

Dipl.-Ing. Karin Doppelbauer

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


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Image of Stephanie Krisper

Dr. Stephanie Krisper

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Douglas Hoyos-Trauttmansdorff

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


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Josef Schellhorn

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Nikolaus Scherak

Dr. MA Nikolaus Scherak

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


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Dr. Susanne Fürst

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Erwin Angerer

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


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Image of Petra Bayr

MA MLS Petra Bayr

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


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Image of Ruth Becher

Mag. Ruth Becher

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Hermann Brückl

Hermann Brückl

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


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Image of Cornelia Ecker

Cornelia Ecker

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


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Image of Hubert Fuchs

MMag. DDr. Hubert Fuchs

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


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Angela Baumgartner

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


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Image of Nikolaus Berlakovich

Dipl.-Ing. Nikolaus Berlakovich

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


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Image of Martina Diesner-Wais

Martina Diesner-Wais

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


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Image of Martin Engelberg

Mag. Martin Engelberg

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


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Franz Leonhard Eßl

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Klaus Fürlinger

Mag. Klaus Fürlinger

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Hermann Gahr

Hermann Gahr

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Wolfgang Gerstl

Mag. Wolfgang Gerstl

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Ernst Gödl

Mag. Ernst Gödl

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Martin Graf

Mag. Dr. Martin Graf

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Tanja Graf

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Maria Großbauer

Maria Großbauer

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Kira Grünberg

Kira Grünberg

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Mag. Michael Hammer

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Mag. Andreas Hanger

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Peter Haubner

Peter Haubner

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Herbert Kickl

Herbert Kickl

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Gerald Loacker

Mag. Gerald Loacker

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Sabine Schatz

Sabine Schatz

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Hannes Amesbauer

BA Hannes Amesbauer

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Dagmar Belakowitsch

Dr. Dagmar Belakowitsch

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Reinhard Eugen Bösch

Dr. Reinhard Eugen Bösch

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
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Image of Gerhard Deimek

Dipl.-Ing. Gerhard Deimek

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 03/24/2022
No answer yet

Image of Michel Reimon

MBA Michel Reimon

is a member of parliament Nationalrat


last written to on 02/25/2022
No answer yet

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