Регион: САЩ

Universal Healthcare For All

Петицията е адресирана до
United States Congress
9 Поддържащ
2% достигнати 500 за цел за събиране
9 Поддържащ
2% достигнати 500 за цел за събиране
  1. Започна 2024-3-20
  2. Колекция все още > 5 седмици
  3. Подаване
  4. Диалог с получателя
  5. Решение

Съгласен съм моите данни да бъдат съхранени . Аз решавам кой може да види подкрепата ми. Мога да оттегля това съгласие по всяко време .


Achieving universal healthcare in the United States is an ambitious but essential goal for ensuring equitable access to healthcare services for all citizens. Comprehensive healthcare reform legislation would need to be drafted and enacted, focusing on expanding coverage to include every individual regardless of their socioeconomic status which is where this petition comes into play. My vision is that we could build upon existing programs like Medicare and Medicaid, or implementing a single-payer system to streamline administration and reduce costs. Public education campaigns would also be necessary to inform citizens about their rights and responsibilities under the new system.


This claim is important to me because I've seen so many people struggle to be able to afford healthcare when that shouldn't be the case. Action must be taken now because if we can get the attention of Congress, we might be able to enact real change. It is about time we improve the health and well-being of all Americans.

Благодарим ви за вашата подкрепа, Danielle Jakum извън Mastic Beach
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Opposing universal healthcare in the US is essential due to potential drawbacks, including increased taxes. Government-run systems often become inefficient and could lower care quality. Hidden costs and overuse of services are major concerns. Moreover, such systems may lead to rationing, long wait times, and reduced access to care. Instead, focusing on cost control measures like tort reform and promoting competition among physicians would be more effective and sustainable.

Защо хората подписват

As a healthcare professional with experience in both pre-hospital emergency settings and hospital environments, I believe that the absence of universal healthcare access for Americans has detrimental effects on societal cohesion and individual health. The resulting harm to families and patients, as well as the excessive costs incurred by society, create significant challenges.

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