Область: Мальта

The PUBLIC DEMAND: LockDown Maltese Island

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Петиция адресована к
Robert Abela
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Lock-down and Quarantine all Maltese Island.

These are extreme times the world is falling & Covid-19 is winning if we look at the numbers we instantly realize that containing the virus is failing in every country around the globe. Cases in malta are still low but remember we are a tiny little dot and we are pretty sure that we are denying the inevitable! WE WILL GO ON A LOCKDOWN sooner or later.

To Our Prime Minister Robert Abela,

Please let's step up more than other countries and take Extreme Mesures to really contain this virus, let's not suffer any deaths or be a late as other countries to take action.


Malta is a small tiny island the virus will spread like crazy when it starts transmitting locally, Let's take action/

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