Stop India's propaganda campaigns and expose its use of fake NGOs to malign other nations at the EU

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Gerçeğe aykırı beyanlar, eksik kaynaklar veya ilgili gerçeklerin yanıltıcı şekilde ihmal edildiği dilekçeler sonlandırılacaktır. openPetition tartışmalı durumlarda daha sonra kaynak talep etme veya temel gerçeklerin eklenmesini sağlama hakkını saklı tutar.

Please provide sources for the following statements: "Through a clandestine network of online news outlets, fake NGOs and phony websites, India has misled European institutions and its citizens through deliberate disinformation campaigns." "this deceitful network, its operator and affiliated online fake news platforms such as “EPtoday,” “EU Chronicles” and Asian News International (ANI) would send a strong message to the perpetrators and other actors involved propagating fake news and disinformation in the EU." "For fifteen years, India operated a network of online news outlets, NGOs and websites to spread fake news and false information at the UN and the EU to malign its adversaries, including Pakistan and China." "The network was organized and operated under the supervision of Ankit Srivastava through his India based Srivastava Group. The network’s operations in the EU and Geneva were controlled by Madi Sharma through her NGO Women’s Economic and Social Think Tank (WESTT). According to the EU DisinfoLab’s investigative report of December 9, 2020, online news outlets, including “EU Chronicles” and "EPtoday" operated fake news campaigns against Pakistan. ANI, which is the largest online new agency in India, amplified these fake news stories by feeding it to the mainstream Indian media. These online outlets impersonated to be the official EU media channels. "EPtoday" violated the ban imposed by the EU in 2019 and restarted its fake news operation under "EU Chronicles." India has exploited individual MEPs and used statements attributed to them as official position of the EU."

Dilekçenin başlatıcısı, openPetition editörleri tarafından kullanım şartlarının ihlal edildiğinden haberdar edildi ve dilekçeyi gözden geçirmek için beş gün geçirdi. Bu gerçekleştirmedi. Bu nedenle dilekçe engellendi.

Dilekçenin metni

●      We want to raise voice against India’s fake news and disinformation campaign against its adversaries, especially China and Pakistan.
●      Through a clandestine network of online news outlets, fake NGOs and phony websites, India has misled European institutions and its citizens through deliberate disinformation campaigns.
●      Strict action against this deceitful network, its operator and affiliated online fake news platforms such as “EPtoday,” “EU Chronicles” and Asian News International (ANI) would send a strong message to the perpetrators and other actors involved propagating fake news and disinformation in the EU.

●      Access to free, fair and truthful information is a fundamental right and feeding and spreading false information is a violation of fundamental rights.
●      For fifteen years, India operated a network of online news outlets, NGOs and websites to spread fake news and false information at the UN and the EU to malign its adversaries, including Pakistan and China.
●      The network was organized and operated under the supervision of Ankit Srivastava through his India based Srivastava Group.
●      The network’s operations in the EU and Geneva were controlled by Madi Sharma through her NGO Women’s Economic and Social Think Tank (WESTT).
●      According to the EU DisinfoLab’s investigative report of December 9, 2020, online news outlets, including “EU Chronicles” and "EPtoday" operated fake news campaigns against Pakistan.
●      ANI, which is the largest online new agency in India, amplified these fake news stories by feeding it to the mainstream Indian media.  
●      These online outlets impersonated to be the official EU media channels.
●      "EPtoday" violated the ban imposed by the EU in 2019 and restarted its fake news operation under "EU Chronicles."
●      India has exploited individual MEPs and used statements attributed to them as official position of the EU.
●      The EU should take strong action against the Ankit Srivastava, Sirivastava Group, ANI, Madi Sharma and WESTT, and ban their operations in the Union.
●      The EU should strengthen its mechanisms to ensure that no one should misuse its territory and institutions to disseminate fake news and disinformation.

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