Társadalmi biztonság

Professional activities prohibition for mental health professionals who suggest war

A petíció benyújtója nem nyilvános
A petíció címzettje
UN and WHO

82 Aláírások

A petíció benyújtója nem nyújtotta be a petíciót.

82 Aláírások

A petíció benyújtója nem nyújtotta be a petíciót.

  1. Indított 2022
  2. A gyűjtés befejeződött
  3. Benyújtott
  4. Párbeszéd
  5. Sikertelen

A petíció címzettje: UN and WHO

We refer to the General Assembly of the UN and WHO and demand to obligate educational and healthcare institutions of the members of the above mentioned organisations to prohibit issuing and revoke licenses, certificates and diplomas confirming high and specialised education of the mental health specialists, who, directly or indirectly call out to actions which may lead to human deaths (save for the cases legally allowed by the member states. E.g., right to euthanasia) both during peaceful and war time. This kind of specialists are equipped with skills and technics, which influence peaceful people’s thinking and may lead to was actions. By practicing in a non-ethical manner, this kind of actions promote development and exacerbation of psychological disorders.
With respect to this raised issue we request to form a commission and include a separate related clause in all ethical codes and charters of organisations, which provide services in healthcare, medical and humanitarian education sectors.
We strongly believe that organisations must clearly set out severe legal consequences to be applied to all mental health specialists, who practice propaganda of deaths and actions leading to deaths (both verbally and in writing, including in all kinds of media, including social media (except for limitations provided by the laws of member states)) amongst peaceful population.
By submitting this petition we refer to the following:
 United Nations Charter. Article 1, 11, 12, 14, 41.
Constitution of the World Health Organisation 
Article 2:
(h) to promote, in co-operation with other specialized agencies where necessary, the prevention of accidental injuries;(k) to propose conventions, agreements and regulations, and make recommendations with respect to international health matters and to perform such duties as may be assigned thereby to the Organization and are consistent with its objective;(l) to promote maternal and child health and welfare and to foster the ability to live harmoniously in a changing total environment;(m)to foster activities in the field of mental health, especially those affecting the harmony of human relations;(r) to assist in developing an informed public opinion among all peoples on matters of health;
Article 18
The functions of the Health Assembly shall be: (e) to establish such committees as may be considered necessary for the work of the Organization.
Article 21: The Health Assembly shall have authority to adopt regulations concerning:
(a) sanitary and quarantine requirements and other procedures designed to prevent the international spread of disease;
(b) nomenclatures with respect to diseases, causes of death and public health practices.
Article 23: The Health Assembly shall have authority to make recommendations to Members with respect to any matter within the competence of the Organization.
Article 58: A special fund to be used at the discretion of the Board shall be established to meet emergencies and unforeseen contingencies.


This kind of specialists are equipped with skills and technics, which influence peaceful people’s thinking and may lead to was actions. By practicing in a non-ethical manner, this kind of actions promote development and exacerbation of psychological disorders.

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A petíció részletes meghatározása

A petíció elkezdődött: 2022. 03. 06.
A petíció véget ér: 2022. 06. 05.
Terület: Európai Unió
Kategória: Társadalmi biztonság

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