
OpenAI to create massive training data development studio for original and non-plagiarism data

Petiția se adresează
OpenAi (Sam Altman, Investors), Google
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Colectia terminata

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Colectia terminata

  1. A început martie 2024
  2. Colectia terminata
  3. Pregătiți depunerea
  4. Dialog cu destinatarul
  5. Decizie

A move to end the conflict of AI plagiarism while helping break the limits of generative AI.
Create structured controlled data for every possible visual scenario (lighting, angle, subject, color) mapped to proper phrases and structured as a dedicated massive collection built by a global collaborative studio providing a new branch for artists and creatives from all areas of art creation to work in, whilst ending the generational plagiarism of art that has been happening.
Like any other project, building generative AI based on art data should require to hire artists to create training data for the tool instead of allowing to causually maintain the policy of stealing art. Due to sudden momentum and a fastly moving narrative, it has become an accepted global fact that AI is trained with stolen data which makes no reasonable sense in proceedings compared to how any other project is built. It should be Illegal and there's no other justification to why training data doesn't fall under copyright infringement other than the gaslight provided by the AI companies.
Not only that, it's badly structured training data and will never lead to truly useful AI tools. If you want a truly precise and omni-potent AI you need structured, classified data with every solution to every question, otherwise you will always have anomalies or lack of data in other events.
There is a solution. Go the proper route, create a platform with rules for submitting training data or hire artists directly with compensation in either ownership of shares in the data or one-time payments. Trade shares in the data and let everyone profit from their contribution.
This is a collective human effort and it has been long existing one without proper observation, but it has come to light recently that our inteligence and generational development of art is only a stage in building something greater. The ones that plant the flag aren't the sole carriers of the cause.
End the conflict, create jobs, silence the anger, create proper tools based on a valid foundation - fund the proper cause and unite the world under the same one, not to fuel division and a destructive mentality. Unite the global creative force and source their talents to together create the ultimate creative tool that doesn't steal or infringe on nobody but gives to everyone.


There is a global concern in how we deal with AI in this age of abrupt development, threathening to end many industries over night. There are ethical dillemas, and questions of legality and of transfering our general ethics to a new canvas. We are seeking what is right or wrong and as a result of questioning these ethics conflict has emerged. Every conflict seeks a resolution that will please each side and will ultimately create an environment of prosperity through mutual contribution instead of mutual destruction. Most likely it will end up benefiting every side and the latter posibilities are greater when built on such a foundation, when the creative spirit of community is inspired and not divided. The question is, can we have the economy fund this new emerging industry in a mature and all encompassing way? This is a question for leaders of OpenAI, Google, and the rest because this is a voice that seeks to create a solution.

Iti multumesc pentru sprijin, Marko Ivanovic din Novi Sad
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