On the incompatibility of Italy’s pension reforms with EU legislation  

Peticija je naslovljena na
Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments
1 Podpora 1 v Evropska unija

Zbiranje končano

1 Podpora 1 v Evropska unija

Zbiranje končano

  1. Začelo 2019
  2. Zbiranje končano
  3. Pripravite oddajo
  4. Dialog s prejemnikom
  5. Odločitev

To je spletna peticija Evropskega parlamenta .


The petitioner claims that the Fornero law, which has reformed the pension system in Italy, is incompatible with EU legislation. The petitioner specifically refers to Directive 2000/78/EC, which provides for a series of measures for equal treatment in employment and working conditions, prohibiting age-based discrimination. The petitioner decries the austerity that, since 1 January 2012, has exacerbated the prerequisites for retirement in Italy. The petitioner also affirms that the intensification of productive activity has encouraged companies, public bodies and schools to favour younger workers, who are better able to cope with the frenetic pace of work.

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