
On changes regarding compulsory labelling requirements 

Petition richtet sich an
Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments
4 Unterstützende 4 in Europäische Union

Sammlung beendet

4 Unterstützende 4 in Europäische Union

Sammlung beendet

  1. Gestartet 2020
  2. Sammlung beendet
  3. Einreichung vorbereiten
  4. Dialog mit Empfänger
  5. Entscheidung

Dies ist eine Online-Petition des Europäischen Parlaments.


The petitioner calls for the introduction of new food safety criteria requiring mandatory uniform labelling that is comprehensible to a layman and encompasses the entire production, packaging, storage and preparation process for food, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, making it compulsory to keep risks to a minimum. The petitioner gives a number of reasons for this, pointing to the possible health hazards of chemical additives in food packaging for example. She also points to possible health risks from the production of new chemical substances, which could only be assessed once damage had been done.

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