
On behalf of the ‘Selbsthilfegruppe Lichtgesundheit’, on health problems caused by LEDs and other lights 

A petição é dirigida a
Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments
2 Apoiador 2 em União Europeia

Colecta finalizada

2 Apoiador 2 em União Europeia

Colecta finalizada

  1. Iniciado 2020
  2. Colecta finalizada
  3. Preparar submissão
  4. Diálogo com o destinatário
  5. Decisão

Esta é uma petição online do Parlamento Europeu.

A reencaminhar

With his petition, the petitioner seeks to ensure LED lamps be tested for visual effects and labelled accordingly. The reason given by the petitioner, who describes his personal case, is that the stroboscopic flickering of certain LED lights causes health problems in some people. He therefore calls for such LEDs to be tested and labelled not only for their energy efficiency but also for any adverse visual effects.

Link para a petição

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