
On an alleged uncontrolled deforestation in the town of Shumen, Bulgaria 

Peticija je naslovljena na
Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments
3 3 v Evropska unija

Zbiranje končano

3 3 v Evropska unija

Zbiranje končano

  1. Začelo 2019
  2. Zbiranje končano
  3. Pripravite oddajo
  4. Dialog s prejemnikom
  5. Odločitev

To je spletna peticija Evropskega parlamenta .


The petitioner is expressing her deep concern about an alleged uncontrolled deforestation in the town of Shumen. She states that more trees, healthy, both old and young, have been cut, and trees that are potentially dangerous are being neglected at the same time. The argument of the municipality is that a European project for the rehabilitation of the infrastructure of Shumen is being carried out. The petitioner is urging the European institutions to take action and stop the uncontrolled tree felling as this will have a massive negative long- term effect on the environment because no afforestation has been performed.

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