
For a fair payment of the teachers of the European Schools

Petitioner not public
Petition is addressed to
Secretary General for the European Schools

119 signatures

The petition was withdrawn by the petitioner

119 signatures

The petition was withdrawn by the petitioner

  1. Launched 2015
  2. Collection finished
  3. Submitted
  4. Dialogue
  5. Failed

Petition is addressed to: Secretary General for the European Schools

Dear Mr. Kivinen,

On behalf of the parents of the European School I would like to express extreme dismay at the resignation of the director of Primary and Kindergarten, Mr. Hurley, and urge you to find a solution to the contractual disagreement that has led to this. Since he started at the school eighteen months ago, Mr. Hurley has made an enormous positive difference to the school and the wellbeing and education of all the students, both in the primary and the secondary. The programmes he has put in place have brought about a better learning environment in the primary and we feel certain that better learning outcomes will follow. Losing him will be hugely detrimental to the school.

We are further concerned that if the terms and conditions for the post of director of Primary and Kindergarten are not competitive in the job market, the school will fail to attract suitably talented people to the position in the future, or that talented individuals such as Mr. Hurley will only stay a short time. Both of these situations will not only lower the learning outcomes of the students but also will end up costing the school more money in the longer term. We have started a petition to collect parents’ signatures and they have been included herewith. We therefore write to ask you to ensure that the terms and conditions offered for the post of Director of Primary and Kindergarten are good enough to attract and retain a high quality individual, and to make these available to Mr. Hurley. We hope very much for the sake of our childrens’ education and the future of the reputation and viability of the European School Karlsruhe that he will reconsider his decision.

Yours faithfully,

Debjani Basu, President Parents’ Association On behalf of the parents of European School of Karlsruhe


The Parents' Association of the European School Karlsruhe is going to send the above cited letter to the Secretary General. There is still hope that the resignation of Mr. Hurley can be reversed, but we have to act quickly. Please support this petition, before it is too late.

Thank you for your support

Link to the petition

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Petition details

Petition started: 03/16/2015
Petition ends: 05/15/2015
Region: European Union
Topic: Education


Not yet a PRO argument.

(cont from before): The reduction in salaries is concerning all new staff of European schools and moreover, the whole European Commission and related institutions. I think such a petition must therefore be more generic and include all staff concerned, although I think Mr. Hurley is the most outstanding example of this uhnfortunate development.

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