
Duvets should be called Quilts.

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  1. Rozpoczęty 2022
  2. Zbiórka zakończona
  3. Zgłoszone
  4. Dialog
  5. Zakończone

I want to change the name duvet to quilt. This is a matter of extreme importance and I think the government would be doubtless that my matter would pass through in seconds.


This is extremely important for a number of reasons. I am passionate about the matter.

  1. The name \'duvet\' seems like a luxury item, poorer familys will not even bother to take the time to walk to a shop to buy the luxury duvet, which could change their life. If it was called a quilt, it would seem like a must-have for all familys and they would take the time to buy one as it seems as a less expensive item.
  2. Everone knows it is easier to say quilt rather than duvet.
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