
Citizen action in support for peace in Eastern Europe

Firmatorio non aperto al pubblico
La petizione va a
European, Russian and Ukrainian governments
627 Supporto

Il firmatario non ha presentato/depositato la petizione.

627 Supporto

Il firmatario non ha presentato/depositato la petizione.

  1. Iniziato 2022
  2. Raccolta voti terminata
  3. Presentata
  4. Dialogo
  5. Mancate

The citizens of Europe, Russia and Ukraine asks their representatives and political leaders to maintain peace and build the long-term stability of the continent. The issues on global security can be resolved through discussions and mutual understanding without putting the lives of our sons and daughters at risk.


The threats and military escalation must stop and leave place to serene and productive international negociations.

Grazie davvero per il vostro appoggio

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    der Petent oder die Petentin hat innerhalb der letzten 12 Monate nach Ende der Unterschriftensammlung keine Neuigkeiten erstellt und den Status nicht geändert. openPetition geht davon aus, dass die Petition nicht eingereicht oder übergeben wurde.

    Wir bedanken uns herzlich für Ihr Engagement und die Unterstützung,
    Ihr openPetition-Team

Non è ancora un argomento PRO.

This request is ridicules. What Ukraine suppose to do here? This country is under attack by Russians. The main goal of Putin is a genocide of Ukrainian population. When Stalin and Hitler turned apart Poland at 1939, would you ask Poland to stop?

Contribuisci a rafforzare la partecipazione civica. Vogliamo che le tue istanze siano ascoltate e allo stesso tempo rimanere indipendenti.

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