
By R.L. (Latvian), on behalf of Latvijas bezdarbnieku un darba meklētāju interešu aizstāvības biedrība (LBDMIAB), on the development of EU legislation in case of epidemiological situations, avoiding violation of human rights 

Dilekçe yönlendirildi
Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments

8 imzalar

Koleksiyon tamamlandı

8 imzalar

Koleksiyon tamamlandı

  1. Başladı 2020
  2. Koleksiyon tamamlandı
  3. Gönderime hazırla
  4. Alıcı ile iletişim kutusu
  5. Karar

Bu bir çevrimiçi dilekçedir Avrupa Parlamentosu .

Dilekçe şu adrese gönderiliyor: Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments

The petitioner addresses the European Parliament in the margin of the decision of the Latvian government to declare a state of emergency in order to limit the spread of COVID-19. The Latvian Association of Interests for the Unemployed and Job Seekers (LBDMIAB) is of the opinion that this decision violates several articles of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as well as Article 6 on the Right to liberty and security of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU. The LBDMIAB proposes to develop uniform legislation at EU-level, which would determine how to act in case of a dangerous infectious disease in a Member State or Member States. This common legislation should not conflict with human rights principles. The petitioner calls a single EU framework, given that epidemics and pandemics caused by different diseases are usually not limited to one country and that therefore stopping the spread of similar diseases should not be a matter for each Member State individually.

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Dilekçe detayları

Dilekçe başlatıldı: 30.06.2020
Dilekçe biter: 29.06.2021
Bölge : Avrupa Birliği
Konu: Sağlık


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