Regiune: Londra
Imaginea petiției 
Appeal: Bengali rape awarness

Appeal: Bengali rape awarness

Petiționarul nu este public
Petiția se adresează
Citizen Advice
1 suporter

Petiționarul nu a depus/preluat petiția.

1 suporter

Petiționarul nu a depus/preluat petiția.

  1. A început 2020
  2. Colectia terminata
  3. Trimis
  4. Dialog
  5. A eșuat

We Bengali people going trough molest and rape everyday, inside and outside the domestic environment. The victim are a shed to speak out because of a cultural reason. We would like to break down these barriers and give a real support for the victim of violences


Many girls and boy are facing rape and torture from family members and stranger. Because of the culture reason they are afraid to report to the police. We want to support the as society and make them feel safe and helped

Iti multumesc pentru sprijin

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