
Open Letter to the EU demanding support for the Cultural and Creative Sectors in the COVID-19 crisis

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European Commission; EU Member States

8.599 Semnături

Petiționarul nu a depus/preluat petiția.

8.599 Semnături

Petiționarul nu a depus/preluat petiția.

  1. A început 2020
  2. Colectia terminata
  3. Trimis
  4. Dialog
  5. A eșuat

30.06.2020, 00:04

The cause is still valid and important, especially because...
1.) the Covid-19 crisis isn't over yet;
2.) on the political level, funding for recovery is still being discussed;
3.) certain legislation processes on the EU level are still ongoing (e.g. Creative Europe programme 2021-27);
4.) is long-term solution to improve the overall situation of the cultural ecosystem is needed.

Neues Zeichnungsende: 31.10.2020
Unterschriften zum Zeitpunkt der Änderung: 8496

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