
Humanity Before Nationality

Peticionario no público.
Petición a.
President of the EU Commission Ursula Von der Leyen

64 Firmas

La petición fue retirada por el peticionario.

64 Firmas

La petición fue retirada por el peticionario.

  1. Iniciado 2021
  2. Colecta terminada.
  3. Presentado.
  4. Diálogo
  5. Fracasado

09/12/2021 10:51


Regardless of age, gender, nationality, education, and income, we all have been experiencing - for almost two years now - how laws can complicate our everyday lives. We have been on an emotional roller-coaster ride since the beginning of the pandemic. Our lives are shaped by fear, insecurity, uncertainty, powerlessness, worry, insomnia, loneliness, social isolation, depression, mental illness, and even thoughts of suicide. Self-determination, free will, and freedom have now completely different meanings in our society.

Like a dog, we were legally muzzled (with face masks) and for weeks people are being discriminated, ostracized, and harassed because of a piece of paper (the Covid certificate). Unvaccinated people can no longer go to a toilet in a restaurant without a "passport" check! So much for freedom, humanity, decency, and respect. And all of this is legal because EU lawmakers have decided that. We no longer have a say about our own bodies and our everyday life. And now we survive day after day in fear, worry, and uncertainty about our future.


It is precisely this emotional and psychological ordeal that the refugees go through. We have witnessed this terrible humanitarian crisis for over a decade. It is time to make a fundamental change and rescue the refugees from their misery. Refugees deserve a life in dignity - in security and with privacy, accommodation, and food, with medical and psychological care and legal advice on the legal asylum procedure.

When people seek asylum after leaving their homes and loved ones to escape conflict and persecution, they are desperate to rebuild their lives from scratch. But the refugee law makes it difficult, even impossible, for them in every aspect. Those who end up in refugee camps suffer as much as those who make it to the European countries. They no longer have a say about their own existence!

Millions are currently wasted on vaccination campaigns. Instead, the European countries, politicians, and authorities must invest this money in the integration and education of refugees and thus give them the chance of an independent and self-determined life and a future in dignity.

Politicians and the media are constantly talking about the next generation. BUT what about the generation of today and now?

My personal reason:
I am a former war refugee who suffered under the refugee law for nearly three decades. As an asylum seeker and “tolerated” war refugee with a temporary residence permit, I was denied any rights to education and integration. All my life I was reduced to a piece of paper and that made my life a living hell!

But NOBODY should be reduced to just a piece of paper. Everyone deserves a dignified life, regardless of the place of birth, nationality, religion, and passport. The right to education and independence is a basic right for EVERYONE and humanity knows no nationality!

It is my duty and mission to stand up for other victims of refugee policy and bureaucracy. Therefore, as long as I breathe, I am the Voice4Refugees, regardless of the prejudices and negative opinions the people and the media have about the refugees. Regardless of the lack of empathy, understanding, and petition support that I'm experiencing ever since I started this online petition in August 2021!

#HumanityB4Nationality by Lily4Refugees will continue to be the voice 4 the voiceless!

My own story of suffering:

Ayudar a fortalecer la participación ciudadana. Queremos que se escuchen sus inquietudes sin dejar de ser independientes.

Promocione ahora.