
Humanity Before Nationality

Składający petycję nie jest publiczny
Petycja jest adresowana do
President of the EU Commission Ursula Von der Leyen

64 Podpisy

Petycja została wycofana przez składającego petycję

64 Podpisy

Petycja została wycofana przez składającego petycję

  1. Rozpoczęty 2021
  2. Zbiórka zakończona
  3. Zgłoszone
  4. Dialog
  5. Nie powiodło się

19.06.2022, 12:48

Dear #HumanityB4Nationality Supporter

Monday is WORLD REFUGEE DAY, and I'm happy to inform you, that we have sent my online petition letter #HumanityB4Nationality to the EU Commission in Brussels yesterday.

You can read the open letter in full length on my blog. To be honest, I don't expect to receive a personalized answer. If we are lucky, we will probably receive a standard letter!!! We will see... Here we go:

Letter sent on 18. June 2022 - Online Petition #HumanityB4Nationality at www.openpetition.eu

Dear Missis Ursula von der Leyen

I hope this letter finds you well. I know that you have many things going on right now, but I have started my online petition #HumanityB4Nationality (in German #MenschlichkeitVorNationalität) back in August 2021. Who would have thought that a year later when I’m sending you this letter, Europe would be in the middle of a third world war and another refugee crisis! I could never have imagined that 80 years after World War II, one single insane man would once again be able to destroy so many lives and be responsible for countless innocent deaths. The world is once again witnessing a shameful human crime. Unfortunately, we haven’t learned anything from history.

I have to admit, that I was hoping to have much more petition supporters, especially now after the Ukraine crisis. But the truth is that people who I have spoken to personally or had Zoom conversations, email communications back and forth and on social media simply don’t believe in governments and lawmakers anymore. They also don’t believe that an online petition can change anything! I guess they are right, but I am, and I will always be the Voice4refugees, and it is my duty and responsibility as a former-war refugee to bring awareness and use my voice for the voiceless.

I don’t expect my online petition and this open letter to you (that will also be published on www.openpetiton.eu) will change anything because I’m very well aware that too many powerful and greedy people benefit from the suffering and struggling of helpless refugees worldwide.

Also, if the refugee crisis would be taken care of, what would all the big and no-name “Non-profit”-Organizations or charities do who are sitting in their fancy offices and working either “with” or “for” the refugees?

The previous months after the war outbreak in Ukraine have shown the world, that if governments really want to act fast and fair, it is possible to give humans in desperate need of safety and a chance to start over without bureaucracy and discrimination. The European countries have been exceptionally open, kind, loving, giving, supportive, and welcoming to Ukraine’s victims of war. People have opened their hearts and homes to complete strangers, and that’s what I call humanity.

I wish Europe would treat refugees from outside of Europe the same way. Refugees do not choose their country of birth, nationality, skin color, gender, or religion. The way refugees from the Middle East have been treated in the previous decades is shameful. They are stuck in refugee camps or refugee shelters for years or even decades and nobody is doing anything! No one cares! They have become forgotten souls with no chance to escape from their misery. It has become normality to see these terrible images of tents with the UNHCR or UNICEF logo on it. BUT nothing about this living condition is normal! NOTHING!

The huge amount of money that European countries and their governments are donating to help the Ukrainian refugees is truly a miracle. The BIG question is where is all the money coming from? How come, those refugees from 2015 are still struggling and surviving in refugee camps under the most inhuman and disgusting living conditions with absolutely no sign of hope and support wide and bride?

How come no one was and is willing to help them to settle down and have a normal and safe life in dignity? Why didn’t governments donate this huge amount of money to help the millions of refugees coming from Syria, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, and co? All they did to this date was putting them away and give them tents and blankets! That’s it! Why? Well, the shameful answer is simple, because even refugees are being discriminated against and differently treated based on their birthplace, nationality, BUT especially skin color and religion!
What the UK is doing right now with its “Homes for Ukraine refugee scheme program” should have been the solution for all the refugees from 2015. Instead, the Muslim refugees have been treated like garbage, dirt, and disease and were forced to suffer in silence for way too many years/decades!

We are witnessing another HUMAN FAILURE in this century, and I am ashamed of our incapable generation and corrupt governments who have failed in terms of humanity, empathy, solidarity, compassion, and kindness.

Read the letter in full length on my blog:

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