
Humanity Before Nationality

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President of the EU Commission Ursula Von der Leyen

64 podpisy

Navrhovatel byl stažen

64 podpisy

Navrhovatel byl stažen

  1. Zahájena 2021
  2. Sbírka byla dokončena
  3. Předloženy
  4. Dialog
  5. Neúspěšný

25. 05. 2022 12:04

Dear #HumanityB4Nationality Supporter

This is my last blog post here before I send my online petition to the EU Parliament in Brussels next month. God is my witness, I have tried everything in my power to get more signatures. Unfortunately, we only got 58 supporters to this date!

It has been very challenging to get more signatures. Not necessarily because people don’t care about the right and plight of refugees, but mainly because they have lost their trust in our governments. Most people that I have contacted or spoken to, have a negative view of online petitions because of our world leaders, lawmakers, governments, and politicians. And let’s be honest, who can blame them?

This doesn’t change anything for me personally. I will continue to be the voice for the voiceless, and I make sure that we don’t receive a standard letter from the EU. I will list questions and I expect honest and useful answers!

So if you have any questions that you want to be answered, this is the time to be active. Please don’t hesitate to send me your questions and I will add it to my own before I send out the letter next month!

BTW: I have also contacted big and no-name non-profit organizations and charities worldwide who work WITH or FOR refugees and guess what, no one showed any interest in supporting my mission to this date! Precious hours of long and exhausting Zoom conversations and email communications back and forth were all for nothing!

However, my main goal with #HumanityB4Nationality has always been bringing awareness about the obstacles and horrible living conditions of refugees from the point of view of a former refugee who has suffered and struggled for decades because of the refugee law regarding education and integration.

This online petition even made me release two songs. “80 Million People!” and “Blood is always red!” The lyrics are powerful and a clear statement. Releasing my new book “Lilys Ambassadors”, in German “Lilys Botschafter” is my final initiative for this petition even though it will officially end in July 2022 here on openpetition.eu.

Be assured that I will continue to be the Voice4refugees regardless of the outcome of this petition. Thank you again for your support. My next blog post here will be my open letter to the EU. Stay tuned!
Best wishes,
Lily Amis

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