
Funding for BC 007 drug against Long Covid and ME/CFS

Petycja jest adresowana do
European Commission, Ms von der Leyen

15 966 Podpisy

Odbiorca petycji nie odpowiedział.

15 966 Podpisy

Odbiorca petycji nie odpowiedział.

  1. Rozpoczęty 2021
  2. Zbiórka zakończona
  3. Przesłano 31.01.2022
  4. Dialog
  5. Nie powiodło się

24.09.2021, 23:29

change from CFS/ME to the official denomination ME/CFS

New title: Funding for BC 007 drug against Long Covid and CFS/MEME/CFS

New petition description:

Sehr geehrte Frau von der Leyen,

an estimated 5,6 million EU citizens suffer from Long Covid - exact statistics are not available. They suffer tremendously and most are unable to work. So far no therapy is available. 17 million patients of CFS/ME worldwide share the same fate.

C007 is a drug developed by BerlinCures that neutralizes Long Covid autoantibodies. It is easy to administer, has no side effects and has so far been successfully tested in 5 healing attempts at the Erlangen University Hospital. BC007 could cure millions of those affected, it is the world's first drug against Long Covid and CFS/ME!ME/CFS!

But development stalled because no funding was granted.

We ask you, Frau von der Leyen, to provide EU funding for further testing of BC007. Your party colleague Mr. Laschet promised me in person on the program "Klartext" (9.9.21, 20h15, Zdf) to look into this.

Massive funding and a reduction of bureaucratic barriers were possible when developing a vaccine. Please take care of Long Covid and CFS/ME NOW and make speedy testing of BC 007 possible!






Neue Begründung:

Long Covid has already torn millions of people from their lives in the European Union alone. So far no therapies are available. BC 007 could enable millions of Long Covid patients in the EU and eventually many more millions around the world to get their lives back. It could do the same for millions of CFS/MEME/CFS patients who have been suffering for decades!

At the same time, the welfare states would save huge sums of money in terms of sick pay, disability pensions, rehabilitation and so on.

Thanks for your support,

Helga Kuipers from Berlin

Signatures at the time of the change: 6.184

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