
European Commission: Less microplastic emissions from washing machines! Adjust energy label!

Pobudnik ni javen
Peticija je naslovljena na
European Commission

320 Podpisi

Pobudnik pobude ni oddal/izročil.

320 Podpisi

Pobudnik pobude ni oddal/izročil.

  1. Začelo 2021
  2. Zbiranje končano
  3. Oddano
  4. Dialog
  5. Neuspešen

18. 04. 2021 13:53

Dear supporters,

Thank you for signing the petition! There is already far too much microplastic in the environment, so we need to act urgently! The more supporters the petition has, the higher priority it will be given. That's why we need to find many more supporters quickly. Please talk to friends and relatives, family and colleagues! Share it on social networks!

Each of us can contribute to an exponential growth of the petition. If everyone finds just two more supporters within two days, we will already have 100000 signatures in about two weeks!

Kind regards

Pomagajte okrepiti sodelovanje državljanov. Želimo, da bi bili vaši pomisleki slišani in hkrati ostali neodvisni.

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