Region: Malta
Bilde av begjæringen #cutthegreed


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Kamra tad-Deputati ta' Malta
0 Støttende

Begjæringen er avsluttet

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Begjæringen er avsluttet

  1. Startet november 2023
  2. Innsamling ferdig
  3. Sendt inn
  4. Dialog
  5. Fullført

The main aim is to draw the attention of the governing body to bring about change in the local legislation with regards to construction and safety on construction sites. 

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Locally, people have become more greedy and the thirst for money has engulfed anything that tries to obstruct their only ambition. Therefore in an attempt to raise awareness and call to action, I created this petition.

Takk for støtten, Sarah Cassar ut av Pembroke
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Bidra til å styrke innbyggermedvirkning. Vi ønsker å gjøre dine bekymringer hørt samtidig som vi forblir uavhengige.

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