Region: Patmos

Cancel the construction plans of a mooring pier for large cruise ships at Skala, Patmos

Petition is addressed to
Υπουργείο Ναυτιλίας και Νησιωτικής Πολιτικής

1,101 signatures

Petition has contributed to the success

1,101 signatures

Petition has contributed to the success

  1. Launched August 2023
  2. Collection finished
  3. Submitted
  4. Dialogue
  5. Success

The petition was successful!


02/04/2025, 10:30

Dear friends,

We are happy to inform you about the positive developments on the issue of the construction of the mooring pier, part of Patmos’s harbor master plan. With your signatures you contributed to the acknowledgment by the state of the importance of protecting the fragile environment of Greek harbors.
On the 20th of December 2024 The Ministry of the Environment and Energy moved to amend the law 5167 with regards to the regulatory framework of harbors upgrades (master plan), in order to align itself with the decision of the plenary session of the Council of State from the 11th of March 2022, according to which a Strategic Study of Environmental Impacts is mandatory for projects related to upgrading harbors (master plan).
As a direct consequence of this decision the expansion works done by COSCO in the Piraeus harbor were put to a pause, since they had started without first conducting a Strategic Study of Environmental Impacts, an omission violating both Greek and European law.
The canceling of the expansion works in the harbor of Piraeus amounted to a significant victory for the citizens movement, a result of the coordinated, collective effort by citizens and organizations, accompanied by complete scientific and legal documentation. It is a hopeful example which should be a reminder for all of us about our common obligation to take action combating crimes against the environment, commonly christened as “development projects” at the expense of our quality of life and the true public interest.
Our association believes that the amendments to the law by the Ministry, which augment it by making it stricter, safeguard the protection of the environment and are well timed with our concerns, expressed since the beginning of the publication of the master plan for the harbor of Patmos, and the potential threats enclosed within. Furthermore, they vindicate the strong stance of the 350 citizens of the island who would be directly affected by the pier’s construction next to their homes and the 1,100 active citizens who – following Hippocampus initiative – requested, by signing this petition, from the Ministry to re-examine its decisions.
This prerequisite, which sets as mandatory the conduction of a strategic study of environmental impacts, defines a very strict framework and imposes – as it stands to reason – multifaceted, complex and costly studies, regarding the approval of harbor works.
We salute your participation in our initiative and delight together for the vindication of our collective struggle.
We promise to be constantly vigilant for a possible backtrack by the authorities and to keep you always informed.
Follow the topic’s dedicated page on our website for detailed and up-to-date information.

The Executive Council of the Patmos Environmental Protection Association “Hippocampus”

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