171 signatures
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Petition is addressed to: President Nicos Anastasiades
The welfare of our children has always been close to my heart and fighting to protect children is a major part of my professional career. It is for this reason that I would like to ask you to support my campaign for a national sex offender’s register in Cyprus. I have already taken steps to gain the support of people with the power to make this happen, but we still have a long way to go, which is why I need your support. As a community, we are judged by the way we protect those in need and our children are at the top of that list. I will be updating you all on the progress of this matter on my personal page. Please note, we DO NOT require any donations whatsoever, this is a matter that is close to my heart and one that I want to take on for the better good of society and to protect our children. Thank you so much……….. Kristi Karyianni (Lawyer/Advocate)
There is currently no national sex offender's register in Cyprus and this is long overdue. Children and the public as a whole need to be protected from sex offenders and this should be implemented to cover the entire Island without impediment, politics or prejudice.
Along with this register, we request that the president supports the implementation of a Child Sex Offender Disclosure Scheme, which allows parents, carers and guardians to ask the police to tell them if someone has a criminal record for child sexual offences.
Parents have a right to establish that their children are safe, in their own environment, be that a school, at an activity or even their own home.
In an age where people are more mobile, where they can hide in the shadows, where they can plot, spy and deceive, society has an obligation to do more to protect its citizens from sex offenders. Recent events have demonstrated that Cyprus is in dire need of a comprehensive, transparent and accessible (albeit to the right people for the right reasons) register for sex offenders.
We also request that more is done to cross reference sex offenders across Europe and beyond. In the age when Cyprus being part of the European Union which means that there is a freedom of movement of people for work and residence, what has been done to protect the community and most of all the children from being preyed upon by serial sex offenders?
Nobody should be allowed to have contact with children in any school, activity or public service unless they are verified by the proper authorities, but also, parents must have a right to establish that their children are not in any danger of coming in to contact with these people in their normal lives or home environment.
Parents must have the right to know if a sex offender is in their street, in their neighbourhood or within reach of their children by any means.
Too much emphasis has been placed upon protecting the safety of offenders, but it is time to rebalance the law and focus on the safety of the children who are innocent.
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Petition started:
Petition ends:
03/26/2019, 23:59 GMT+2
Republic of Cyprus
Civil rights
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