1,042 signatures
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Petition is addressed to: Parlement de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale; Pouvoirs Publics Belges
Hello everyone,
The Baby Cafe Haricot Magique, Belgium’s first Baby Cafe and the only volunteer-run Baby Cafe in Brussels, is a unique place! A cafe of course, but also primarily a place for children to meet and parents to exchange. For the children: there are toys, games, books and adapted spaces both inside and outside. For the parents: the Baby Cafe gives them a chance to breathe, happy in the knowledge that their children are safe. We also offer a weekly progamme of workshops and activities for parents and children (baby massage, music and movement, storytelling…)
Haricot Magique is a place that promotes learning, talking, watching, exchanging, experimenting, all surrounded by a wonderful community. In short, the Baby Cafe is much more than a cafe. It was designed with the parents in mind. Support for parenthood is at the heart of this project and every person who passes through the cafe finds their place for personal reasons. This place is vital for families.
What are we asking for?
A commitment from public authorities to provide:
- A permanent space for our project so that our support for parenthood can continue.
- Structural financial support so that our key volunteers can count on a salary.
The cafe only functions thanks to volunteers and donations, demonstrating our values of sharing, exchange, mutual aid and solidarity, which makes it a public service. In addition, the current health crisis is reinforcing a sense of loneliness and isolation in many cases and so our project is responding to a very real and current need in society!
Families have a difficult time with the current measures, as physical distancing is particularly painful for children, deprived of the usual access to grandparents and other people at risk. Parents can no longer count on their close family for support and this context only amplifies the general need for a space such as ours.
Haricot Magique is due to move during 2021. It is currently at the See U site in Ixelles (a former police school). If you would like to share the future of this beautiful community, PLEASE sign this petition.
Haricot Magique’s volunteers https://www.haricotmagique.be https://www.facebook.com/haricotmagique.be https://www.instagram.com/cafepoussette fr.ulule.com/poussette-haricot-magique/
Are you pregnant and looking for a place to share, exchange and take part in workshops? Are you a single parent looking for a sympathetic ear or a space to talk? Are you on maternity leave, looking for a comfortable place outside your home? Are you looking for a space to have fun with your child?
The Haricot Magique baby cafe is a project that supports parenthood!
Thank you for your support,
Les Amis du Cafe Poussette Haricot Magique from Ixelles
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Brussels-Capital Region
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