Official statements: Parliament Gallneukirchen
12% support a parlamentary request.
12% support a public hearing in a committee of experts.
12% support a public hearing in the parliament/plenum.
Katharina Pöstinger
is a member of parliament
FPÖ, last edited on 02/09/2024
I agree / agree mostly.
I´ll support the request if there will be enough other representives joining.
I support a public hearing in the technical committee.
I support a public hearing in the parliament/plenum.
Rainer Deischinger
is a member of parliament
FPÖ, last edited on 02/09/2024
I agree / agree mostly.
I´ll support the request if there will be enough other representives joining.
I support a public hearing in the technical committee.
I support a public hearing in the parliament/plenum.
Von Anfang an war ich und auch meine Fraktion (FPÖ) gegen eine verdichtete Bauweise in diesem Gebiet von Gallneukirchen. Sollte dort gebaut werden, dann sollten es auch Einfamilienhäuser sein, im Stil der Kornsiedlung. Dies waren immer unsere Forderungen im Gemeinderat. Solange kein gutes Verkehrsentlastungsmodell für Gallneukirchen steht, sehen wir jeden Neubau im großen Stil kritisch.
Ing. DI (FH) Sascha Doppler
is a member of parliament
ÖVP, last edited on 01/15/2024
I agree / agree mostly.
I´ll support the request if there will be enough other representives joining.
I support a public hearing in the technical committee.
I support a public hearing in the parliament/plenum.
Josef Mitterhuber
is a member of parliament
ÖVP, last edited on 01/15/2024
I agree / agree mostly.
I´ll support the request if there will be enough other representives joining.
I support a public hearing in the technical committee.
I support a public hearing in the parliament/plenum.
DI Helmut Hattmannsdorfer
is a member of parliament
last written to on 02/08/2024
No answer yet Nadja Kletzmair
is a member of parliament
last written to on 02/08/2024
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Sebastian Auer
is a member of parliament
last written to on 02/08/2024
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Alois Scheiblhofer
is a member of parliament
last written to on 02/08/2024
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Dr. Gerhard Huber
is a member of parliament
last written to on 02/08/2024
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Dr. Josef Schütz
is a member of parliament
last written to on 02/08/2024
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DI Anton Loitz
is a member of parliament
last written to on 02/08/2024
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MHPE Dominik Wurm
is a member of parliament
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DI BSc Matthias Bibl
is a member of parliament
last written to on 02/08/2024
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DI Philipp Grömmer
is a member of parliament
last written to on 02/08/2024
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Andreas Kaindlstorfer
is a member of parliament
last written to on 02/08/2024
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Bernhard Berger
is a member of parliament
last written to on 02/08/2024
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Manfred Penninger
is a member of parliament
last written to on 02/08/2024
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DI (FH) Martin Danner
is a member of parliament
last written to on 02/08/2024
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Annette Landl
is a member of parliament
last written to on 02/08/2024
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Mag. Sepp Wall-Strasser
is a member of parliament
last written to on 02/08/2024
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Mag.a Claudia Werkhausen
is a member of parliament
last written to on 02/08/2024
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Kurt Winter
is a member of parliament
last written to on 02/08/2024
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Regina Penninger
is a member of parliament
last written to on 02/08/2024
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Mag. Dr. MBA Martin Seidl
is a member of parliament
last written to on 02/08/2024
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Astrid Stadler
is a member of parliament
last written to on 02/08/2024
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Ing. Egon Atteneder
is a member of parliament
last written to on 02/08/2024
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Simon Panholzer
is a member of parliament
last written to on 02/08/2024
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Klaus Krenn
is a member of parliament
last written to on 02/08/2024
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Markus Buchmayr
is a member of parliament
last written to on 02/08/2024
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Elisabeth Werner-Hager
is a member of parliament
last written to on 02/08/2024
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Lukas Frühwirth
is a member of parliament
last written to on 02/08/2024
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