
Hvorfor er petitionen værd at støtte?


I am writing to request that the Basel Canton reschedule the 2020 Fasnacht for later this year. I have participated three times in the Gassle with friends. I perform on piccolo. Americans have attended Fasnacht and marched in the cortege, some for thirty years. The "Three Greatest Days" are an important component in peoples lives and culture for Baslers encompassing the music, artistry, families and cliques. They prepare year round and look forward to each performance. Friendships and family contacts continue through geWhen it is safe, if possible, please reschedule Fasnacht in Basel in 2020.



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Ved at udgive mit indlæg accepterer jeg vilkår for brug og privatlivspolitik for openPetition . Fornærmelser, bagtalelser og usande faktiske holdninger bringes til kendskab.

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