Piirkond : UNESCO World Heritage Abbey of St Gall, Switzerland

Protect the important view to the UNESCO World Heritage Abbey of St. Gall, Switzerland!

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Petitsioon on adresseeritud
UNESCO World Heritage Centre, 7, place de Fontenoy, 75352 Paris 07 SP, France

829 allkirjad

Petitsiooni ei rahuldatud

829 allkirjad

Petitsiooni ei rahuldatud

  1. Algatatud 2018
  2. Kogumine valmis
  3. Esitatud 20.10.2018
  4. Dialoog
  5. Lõppenud

Petitsioon on adresseeritud: UNESCO World Heritage Centre, 7, place de Fontenoy, 75352 Paris 07 SP, France

Protect the important view to the UNESCO World Heritage Abbey of St. Gall, Switzerland! The public view to the southern old town and the abbey district with the Gallus relief should not be obstructed and thus destroyed!


The public view from Berneggstrasse to the south side of the UNESCO World Heritage Abbey District of St. Gallen is unique. Amongst other things the relief with the legend of Gallus and the bear is closest from here, exactly horizontal opposite and can be seen in detail. It was built in 1776 to be read and interpreted from here. Since then, it has always been publicly visible.

For us, this is an important view in the sense of UNESCO World Heritage guidelines. (Art. 104) whc.unesco.org/en/guidelines/ It should be preserved to the public.

The authorities of the city of St. Gallen have issued a building permit directly in front of it. Without our recourse against it, this important view would already be destroyed.

The association World Heritage Stiftsbezirk St. Gallen in our opinion has not seriously examined whether this is an important view.

We therefore ask that the UNESCO World Heritage Center in Paris to check by their independent experts on site if this is an important view, so that the necessary consequences can be drawn from all sides.


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Petitsioon algas: 01.06.2018
Petitsioon lõpeb: 11.07.2018
Piirkond : UNESCO World Heritage Abbey of St Gall, Switzerland
teema: Kultuur

See petitsioon on tõlgitud järgmistesse keeltesse


  • Photo: Urs Anderegg, www.sunGallen.ch

    Victory and defeat are not final.
    Nevertheless, you cry with joy when you win,
    and pain when you lose.
    - How stupid !

    Kodo Sawaki, 1880-1965

  • Photo: Urs Anderegg, www.sunGallen.ch

    Almost two years of work with impressive encounters, good helpers, encouraging conversations, tests of patience, challenges and valuable support are now coming to an end...

    Unfortunately we have to end the petition unsuccessfully.

    We would like to thank all co-signers warmly!

    Hanspeter and Anita

  • Hanspeter Egloff and Anita Lötscher Egloff
    Felsenstr 18
    9000 St. Gallen

    Madame Mechtild Rössler
    Director of the UNESCO World Heritage Centre
    7, place de Fontenoy
    75352 Paris 07 SP

    November 28th, 2019

    Your answer to our petition "Protect the important view to the UNESCO World Heritage Abbey of St. Gall, Switzerland!2 (whc.unesco.org/fr/list/268)

    Dear Mrs Rössler

    One year ago, on October 18, 2018, we sent you our petition "Protect the important view to the UNESCO World Heritage Abbey of St. Gall, Switzerland!" with 829 signatures. www.openpetition.eu/!gallus

    On November 9, 2018, Mr. Nicolas Mathieu, Secretary General of the Swiss
    UNESCO Commission, Bundesgasse 28, 3003 Bern,... Edasi


poolt-argumenti veel pole.

vastu-argumenti veel pole.

See petitsioon on tõlgitud järgmistesse keeltesse

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