Civil rights

Mrs. Sommaruga, turn off 5G!

Petitioner not public
Petition is addressed to

6,588 signatures

Petitioner did not submit the petition.

6,588 signatures

Petitioner did not submit the petition.

  1. Launched 2020
  2. Collection finished
  3. Submitted
  4. Dialogue
  5. Failed

Petition is addressed to: Authorities

Madam President of the Swiss Confederation. ladies & gentlemen of the upper & lower houses of parliament:
We are shocked at the undemocratic proceedings of the Federal Council over the introduction and hasty development of the 5G network and its receiving antennae. The lack of evidence as to the innocuousness of 5G frequencies justifies us in insisting that 5G installation be stopped with immediate effect. Furthermore we demand that any new technology introduced in the future be subject to a procedure which respects human rights, the constitution and the law.
This petition requires the Federal Council:

  1. to take action to disconnect 5G immediately in the entire Swiss territory.
  2. to set up an enquiry by a politically and economically independent body (independent also of mobile production interests) into the effects on life and limb of 5G radiation.
  3. in the event of item 2 above not being conclusively determined, to inform the public as to the possible dangers consequent on the introduction of 5G; and to order that the 5G newtork be made operational only after the people has given its assent to its deployment.
  4. to answer the questions in this statement of position within a month of the presentation of this petition.

The Swiss state recognises the Rights of Man which includes the right to physical safety. Before any installation of a mobile network the population affected by it must be informed and its consent obtained. Without the public’s approval there can be no authority for constructing such new networks. Majority approval by the people is a precondition to the introduction of a broad network such as 5G.
The enquiry presupposes detailed and comprehensive explanation to the people (including answers given by a politically and economically independent body to questions emanating from the public) of all possible effects and consequences of this mobile technology.
Should the Federal Council be unwilling to set up an information and enquiry procedure, the absence of health risks must be certified by independent persons with relevant expertise.
Until such time as these conditions are met, it is the urgent duty of our democratically elected parliament to ensure that 5G is taken out of service in order to avoid any infringement of human rights, and to send a clear message word-wide that basic rights and legality are being observed.
The Federal Council has itself committed to print that the intensity of radioactive exposure is unclear (1). While this remains so, the introduction of 5G is tantamount to a vast experiment on humanity to which the public has not given its consent.
Objections and risks associated with 5G technology:
1). Statement by the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment: Under electromagnetic radiation a thermal effect is observable whose acute ill effects are only perceptible beyond a particular radiation intensity. The critical level is the basis for internationally agreed maximum permissible levels, which provide short-term protection from harmful effects of thermal exposure (2). They take no account of permanent radiation and its biological consequences. According to the FOEN, there are indications that even low, high-frequency radiation from previous mobile phone generations has led to oxidative cell stress and programmed cell death (3). However, this is not a reliable state of knowledge.
Questions to the Federal Council: -What are the effects of increase radiation exposure on our immune system? -Is there a connexion between Covid 19 and the introduciton of 5G? -Has the possibility of such a connexion been examined by experts?
2). Appeal by the medical profession: International appeals by scientists and doctors the world over single out the risks associated with 5G and commit the signatories to the immediate stopping of the rolling out and application of 5G network (4).
Questions to the Federal Council: -How do you explain your silence in the face of these world-wide appeals? -Why is this technology being promoted against the express wishes of a population increasingly critical of it? -Why are the numerous and various objections being expressed in many quarters being ignored and dismissed? -Why are experiments on radiation intensity only being undertaken after the introduction of 5G?


3). Nature: The extinction of birds bees and insects is assuming disturbing proportions The increase in electromagnetic fields could be a decisive factor for this species extinction (5). Plants and trees could also suffer damage from the effects of electromagnetic radiation, and can be killed by it (6).
-Energy and use of resources: 5G could be responsible for an exponential increase in demand for energy (7), since numerous additional electronic equipment will be called for (8). The increase in consumption of energy and resources it is assumed that indirectly causes damage to nature and aggravates climate change.
Questions to the Federal Council: -Mobile networks release quantities of electrical energy into the environment. Is there a connexion between man-made radiation emanating from 5G installations all over the world and global warming? -How are these phenomena affecting climate control goals? -Which energy carriers are to meet the increased demand for energy? -Is the Federal Council aware that the installation of 5G is responsible for vastly increased demand world-wide due to the fact that a great many servers are not based in Switzerland and require energy further afield?
4). Demand for energy: The additional electricity and energy requirements most likely cannot be met by renewable energies. The fact that 5G should be used as an important means for a sustainable life is therefore incomprehensible to us and worries us.
5). Increase in electromagnetic pollution: fast connexion times require installation of new antennae every 100 to 150m metres (9), so in the immediate vicinity of homes, hospitals, workplaces and schools. Electromagnetic pollution would probably set to increase many times over.
6). Monitoring: Huawei is moving up in the global market, while in China total monitoring has become normality (10),(11). Even if street lamps are there to provide surveillance, these are tendencies we do not support (12),(13).
To date, there is no generally accepted scientific consensus on the dangers of 5G. It is all the more astonishing that the expansion of 5G continues unabated. We are concerned that the health of the population and the possible risks to our planet could be sacrificed to economic interests.
In the name of the health of humans animals and nature, we urge the combined houses of parliament, representatives democratically elected by the people, to abide by the constitution, the fundamental civil rights it guarantees, in particular the right to life and physical and psychological safety (article 10, lines 1 & 2)(14); to ensure the protection of the Swiss people, animals and the natural environment; and to proritise this duty above mobile operators’ maximisation of profits.
We demand an immediate end to the extension and use of new 5G antennae and the immediate disconnexion of all existing 5G antennae until such time as their safety is proven and general consens is.
Interest group 5geh!
(3) / Pkt.7.2 Heutiger Erkenntnisstand, Seite 6
(11) Spiegel online:

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Petition details

Petition started: 05/28/2020
Petition ends: 05/28/2021
Region: Switzerland
Topic: Civil rights

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  • Liebe Unterstützende,
    der Petent oder die Petentin hat innerhalb der letzten 12 Monate nach Ende der Unterschriftensammlung keine Neuigkeiten erstellt und den Status nicht geändert. openPetition geht davon aus, dass die Petition nicht eingereicht oder übergeben wurde.

    Wir bedanken uns herzlich für Ihr Engagement und die Unterstützung,
    Ihr openPetition-Team

  • Ready for submitting

    on 09 Aug 2021

    Liebe Interessierte,

    die Bundestagswahlkampagne von diagnose:funk ist eine Chance, das Thema "Risiken der Digitalisierung und Mobilfunk" zu platzieren. In den Wochen vor der Wahl am 26.9. sind die KandidatInnen und Abgeordneten bereit, BürgerInnen anzuhören, an Ständen und Veranstaltungen, was nachher leider oft nicht mehr der Fall ist. Sie sollen persönlich wissen:

    Viele BürgerInnen stellen das digitale Wunderland, das uns die Parteiprogramme
    versprechen, in Frage. Die Kritik an den Folgen von Digitalisierung und Mobilfunk
    gibt es überall! Warum wird auf Experten und Bürgerinitiativen nicht gehört?

    Damit alle Bürgerinitiativen und auch einzelne Aktive mitmachen können, hat diagnose:funk ein Faltblatt, Plakat, Aufkleber und eine Kampagnen-Homepage... further

  • Liebe Unterzeichner*innen,

    diagnose:funk, die Kompetenzinitiative und das Mobilfunk Bürgerforum starten am Donnerstag, 8. April 2021 mit einem gemeinsamen öffentlichen Webinar-Programm. Für die 10 Veranstaltungen konnten erfahrene Experten gewonnen werden.

    Das Programm, das diagnose:funk gemeinsam mit der Kompetenzinitiative und dem Mobilfunk Bürgerforum organisiert, informiert allseitig über die Mobilfunkpolitik, den Stand der Forschung und Verbraucherschutzfragen. Außer der ersten Veranstaltung finden die Webinare immer an einem Freitag um 19:30 Uhr statt.

    Das gesamte Programm ist als pfd-Datei beigefügt. Der jeweilige Webinarzugang ist auf der Homepage von diagnose:funk zu finden:

    Das... further

Not yet a PRO argument.

- an 5G ist fast nichts neu. das 5G Low Band (um 700mHz) wurde vorher für andere Geräte verwendet. - Das 5G Mid Band 1gHz bis 6 gHz ist besonders bei einer geringen Sendeleistung wie 5G komplett unbedenklich. - Das 5G high Band, welches noch nicht mal verwendet wird ist ebenso bestens bekannt. Natel B Mobilgeräte hatten eine Sendleistung von 10Watt, bei 3G waren es noch 0,5 Watt und bei 5G sogar nur 0,2 Watt. Zum Vergleich: Eine brennende Kerze strahlt mit ca 50 Watt, be Frequenzen über 350'000gHz.

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