Region: Schweiz

Corona measures: Opening Switzerland's borders for couples and families

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6.044 Underskrifter

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6.044 Underskrifter

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  1. Startede 2020
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Andragendet er stilet til: Bundesrat

Swiss borders are hermetically closed and thus bring psychic suffering to families and couples where one partner lives in another country. We call on the Federal Council and the Parliament to open the borders of Switzerland for visits of partners and family members. Analogous to the opening of the border between Austria and Germany. (

As a person affected myself, it is important to me that I can do something to ensure that I can meet my life partner from Italy again soon and that we can support each other in overcoming the crisis. Because I know that many couples are still in the same situation as we are and that there are also families with children who are suffering from the fact that they cannot go through the crisis together, I hope that this petition to the Bundesrat will bring about a concession similar to that in Germany and Austria.


Petition text:

The opening of the Swiss borders for couples and families means NO increased risk for combating the spread.

1. If the virus has already spread in Switzerland and the internal spread must be controlled

2. 1000s of cross-border commuters still pass through the Swiss border every day and also come into contact with the Swiss population

3. Are the measures in the surrounding countries sometimes stricter than in Switzerland

But this disproportionate restriction causes ** much psychological suffering** to couples and families, and inevitably leads to weakening of the immune system and the motivation to follow the other measures of the Confederation.

An opening up therefore even supports the existing measures (immune system, morale and perseverance).

Therefore support this petition if you too believe that:

1. The measures taken within Switzerland are good and effective

2. For the psychological well-being the physical nearness of the loved ones is important

3. That we as responsible citizens know how to deal with such an opening

Thanks a lot!

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Oplysninger om petitionen

Andragende startede: 15.04.2020
Andragendet slutter: 30.05.2020
Region: Schweiz
Kategori: Familie

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