Region: Genève

Close Schools

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Alain Berset
0 Støttende

Begjæringen er avsluttet

0 Støttende

Begjæringen er avsluttet

  1. Startet 2021
  2. Innsamling ferdig
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well i think its a good option to shut down all schools at the moment due to the peak of new cases of covid in switzerland we must take action before its too late me as student feel endangered at schools at all times and i think it will be soon too late to take action due to new varients coming we never know if a student has the virus even if one does the whole school will be put into danger and i think our lives matter and we should not be going to school like this they might think this is just to skip school but no our lives are endangered and we should do online classes that are safer for our lives and our learning will still continue so please sign this petition before its too late

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we have seen a peak last year and closed schools the cases instantly got reduced and if we want the same thing to happen we must shut down schools

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