Regija: Švicarska
Vanjskoj politici

We demand Asylum for Julian Assange in Switzerland

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2.210 Potpisi

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2.210 Potpisi

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17. 08. 2021. 02:11

Liebe Unterstützende,
der Petent oder die Petentin hat innerhalb der letzten 12 Monate nach Ende der Unterschriftensammlung keine Neuigkeiten erstellt und den Status nicht geändert. openPetition geht davon aus, dass die Petition nicht eingereicht oder übergeben wurde.

Wir bedanken uns herzlich für Ihr Engagement und die Unterstützung,
Ihr openPetition-Team

03. 07. 2020. 09:13

Dear supporters,

today is Julians birthday. Let's wish him freedom, happiness, love, health, justice, ALL THE BEST, whatever we wish for ourselves to feel good. Let's imagine him leaving Belmarsh to ride off into the sunrise, or wherever he pleases. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JULIAN!

13. 03. 2020. 07:51

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Liebe Unterstützer,
Dear Supporters,

Dieses Mal sollten die links funktionieren

this time, hopefully, the links are working

mit den besten Grüssen,
with the kindest regards

13. 03. 2020. 07:33

Dear Supporters,

Mr Julian Assange
Prisoner #: A9379AY
HMP Belmarsh
Western Way
London SE28 0EB

Before writing to Julian Assange, please write at least one letter to a politican or leader and take another action to help defend Julian. Please write short personal notes and let Julian know of the actions you've taken to help defend him. Please do not include sensitive information in your letter.
You must include his prisoner number (#A9379AY) or his DOB on the envelope. He still recieves letters with just his name + DOB without any problems. Envelopes without his prisoner # or DOB will not be delivered. To avoid confusion we have changed our instructions to say include the prisoner #.
You MUST include your full name AND address on the back of the envelope or else the letter will not be delivered.
If you wish for him to reply, include a blank piece of paper with a self-addressed envelope. It must be pre-stamped (UK Stamps only). Do not send loose stamps as they will be rejected. Include 2 UK first class stamps for international. Click here to buy UK stamps.
Letters sent to and from the prison are checked by prison staff. Do not send letters containing sensitive material, instead please contact mr. Assange's lawyers for any sensitive matters.
You may send paper items only, such as letters, photos & drawings. Please do not attempt to send other items. Postcards are not allowed.
If you receive a reply, you may choose to share it with #WriteJulian unless he has marked the letter as PRIVATE. Please DO NOT publish any letters that he has marked private. Though Belmarsh security checks incoming and outgoing mail they absolutely cannot share or publish his mail, so please be considerate of his wishes.

Thanks to you all

12. 03. 2020. 20:00

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Dear Supporters,

For almost a year, Chelsea Manning is held in solitary confinement by the US-authorities and put under pressure, to testify against Julian Assange. She is still resisting, she would rather die. A young woman in her early thirties is being pushed to the brink of death because she keeps fighting for a better world.

We cannot let that happen! We keep sharing the petition for Julian and support Chelsea!
Their freedom is our freedom!

Thanks to you all

02. 03. 2020. 10:38

Hello Assange-Supporter!

Today we passed 500 signatures! Please, keep sharing the link

open!healthy democracy

Thank you for your support!


02. 03. 2020. 09:11

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Hallo Assange-UnterstützerIn

Ich möchte heute meinen gesamten Email Austausch mit dem EDA mit Dir teilen, damit Du siehst, wie unsere Regierung ihre verfassungsmässig festgeschriebenen humanitären Verpflichtungen wahrnimmt.

Es kann sicher nicht schaden, wenn noch mehr Menschen beim EDA nachfragen...

Danke für Deine Unterstützung!


29. 02. 2020. 22:45

On the 26. und 27. 2. I joined the protesters in front of Belmarsh prison shouting and handing out flyers - and, of course, I collected signatures. Right now, about 80 have arrived on the english side. We need many more - so, please, keep sharing the link. You can download and upload signature sheets on the website. We need a sea of voices...In the brief discussions with Julian Assanges Team between the hearings, it became very clear that an epic fight between Good and Evil is taking place. It is not just about the fate of one man, it is about our civilization as a whole. The situation is incredibly serious, and right now it looks as though we were trying to fight an atomic Rocket with bow and arrow.

Most of us live in countries that appear to uphold the rule of law, still.What we need now, therefore, is a huge people's movement. We aren't just fighting for Julian Assange or the freedom of the press, it is about everything now we are fighting for our existence as human beings.

29. 02. 2020. 22:45

On the 26. und 27. 2. I joined the protesters in front of Belmarsh prison shouting and handing out flyers - and, of course, I collected signatures. Right now, about 80 have arrived on the english side. We need many more - so, please, keep sharing the link. You can download and upload signature sheets on the website. We need a sea of voices...In the brief discussions with Julian Assanges Team between the hearings, it became very clear that an epic fight between Good and Evil is taking place. It is not just about the fate of one man, it is about our civilization as a whole. The situation is incredibly serious, and right now it looks as though we were trying to fight an atomic Rocket with bow and arrow.

Most of us live in countries that appear to uphold the rule of law, still.What we need now, therefore, is a huge people's movement. We aren't just fighting for Julian Assange or the freedom of the press, it is about everything now we are fighting for our existence as human beings.

Pomoć jačanju građanske participacije. Želimo da vaše zabrinutosti budu saslušane dok ne postanete neovisni.
