
SGA: Endorse the UNCC Board of Trustees Divestment From Israel

Petitionen behandles
Student Government Association
1.008 Støttende
100% nået 1.000 til indsamlingsdestination
1.008 Støttende
100% nået 1.000 til indsamlingsdestination
  1. Startede 25-03-2024
  2. Samling stadig > 3 uger
  3. Indsendelse
  4. Dialog med modtageren
  5. Beslutning

Jeg accepterer, at mine data vil blive gemt . Jeg bestemmer, hvem der kan se min støtte. Jeg kan tilbagekalde dette samtykke til enhver tid .


The children are watching.and will end the oppression. It’s best that you stand on the right side of history and show some humanity. RISE UP! This is a genocide and breaks all rules of war! Isreal is an ongoing occupation that must end now! If not now when!?

October 7th was not an isolated incident; framing it this way, along with consistently refusing to present any context, is misleading and deceptive:
Gaza has been under siege since 2007, with everything coming in and out controlled entirely by Israel. Without provocation, Israel carried out bombings approximately once every two years
The Israeli army and illegal settler colonies occupy the West Bank
Israel is breaking more than 45 resolutions by the United Nations. Israel has been condemned by UNHRC more than the rest of the world combined. With the protection of the USA and the continuing use of the "Veto", it was never held accountable. For the record, the USA has vetoed UN Security Council resolutions on Israel a total of 46 times
Israel has been illegally occupying and controlling Palestinian lands for decades

We're taught at an early age what the horrors of the Holocaust were, and that never again means never again no matter who. We all have to do our part in stopping genocide and terror where we see it no matter who is committing it.

The US government and the institution of UNCC has aided in Israel’s genocide of Palestinians and the people Gaza. As such, it has made US citizens, UNCC students, and UNCC alumni complicit. We demand that UNCC acknowledge its hand in Israel’s ongoing genocide & immediately divest from Israel.

Although I culturally and ethnically I am jewish, the genocide of thousands is not a value I stand for. I don’t want to be a student at a university who does not also stand for this value, and by endorsing the divestment of funds from israel, it may not directly benefit palestinians, but it shows to others that uncc has the same opinion as I do.

My family has been fighting for Palestinian rights since the problems started in the 40s. With the uptick in violence these past six months, it’s time to take our money out of Israel and put it towards solving our own problems in America.

Hjælp med til at styrke borgerdeltagelse. Vi ønsker at gøre dine bekymringer hørt, mens du forbliver uafhængig.

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