
Call for lower income taxes for nurses in nursing homes

Ο αναφέρων δεν είναι δημόσιος
Η αναφορά απευθύνεται σε
Municipality and Administrative Unit of Radovljica

11 Υπογραφές

Ο εκκινητής του αιτήματος δεν υπέβαλε αίτηση.

11 Υπογραφές

Ο εκκινητής του αιτήματος δεν υπέβαλε αίτηση.

  1. Ξεκίνησε 2021
  2. Η συλλογή ολοκληρώθηκε
  3. Υποβληθέντα
  4. Διάλογος
  5. Απέτυχε

Petition richtet sich an: Municipality and Administrative Unit of Radovljica

Nurses involved in the care of an elderly person are under tremendous stress, and their salaries are small. By paying additional income tax, a nurse will not be able to provide a decent standard of living for herself. We demand a complete abolition of the income tax for nurses who work for long periods of time with the heaviest patients in homes for the disabled and elderly fellow citizens of our country. Only by working together will we help to preserve the unique staffing of institutions, and nurses will remain to work with the elderly who require constant care. Politicians need to think about the fact that elderly citizens require care, and caregivers should not suffer socially. 


Many countries around the world have taken drastic measures to reduce the social burden of employees engaged in the care of the disabled and the elderly. For example, the German authorities have already passed such laws, which reduce the tax burden for nurses and staff of institutions in homes for the elderly. On behalf of the leadership of https://touchofhealthmedical.com, we support petitions demanding the introduction of such a taxation regime in our aging society as well.

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Petition gestartet: 24/03/2021
Petition endet: 23/03/2022
Περιοχή: Ραντοβλτζίκα
Κατηγορία: Υγεία


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