Regiji: Grčija
Pravice živali

Say YES to Castration of Strays on Chios

Peticija je naslovljena na
Mr. G. Christakis, deputy mayor
183 podpornik
37% dosežen 500 za cilj zbiranja
183 podpornik
37% dosežen 500 za cilj zbiranja
  1. Začelo 21.2.2024
  2. Zbirka še vedno 11 dan
  3. Predložitev
  4. Dialog s prejemnikom
  5. Odločitev

Strinjam se, da bodo moji podatki shranjeni . Jaz odločam, kdo lahko vidi mojo podporo. To soglasje lahko kadar koli prekličem .


On Chios many cats and dogs live on the streets. They face hunger, poisoning, abuse, traffic accidents, heat, thirst, cold and health issues. Every year every dog and cat can have multiple pregnancies, giving birth to an average of 4 kittens or puppies but 10 to 15 are no exceptions. Vets are willing to voluntarily castrate strays in Chios at regular intervals to end this suffering.


Currently the municipality of Chios is assessing a proposal for a first castration action of strays in June 2024. It is important for them to know that a large group of international people care about the way stray animals are treated in Chios and are in favour of this neutering action.

Hvala za tvojo podporo, Chantal Scheiberlich izven Vlissingen
Vprašanje za pobudnika

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Zakaj ljudje podpisujejo

The are not enough resources for us as humans these days- we certainly don't have the resources for so many stray animals that also have a need for so much. Let's prevent any further damage by not stepping in; dogs will not disappear.

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