Zahraniční politika

Ban On Deporting of Hindus and Sikhs Minorities from Afghanistan

Navrhovatel není veřejný
Petice je adresována
Immigration and Naturalistaion Service Ministry of Security and Justice

331 podpisy

Navrhovatel nepodal petici.

331 podpisy

Navrhovatel nepodal petici.

  1. Zahájena 2014
  2. Sbírka byla dokončena
  3. Předloženy
  4. Dialog
  5. Neúspěšný

Petice je adresována: Immigration and Naturalistaion Service Ministry of Security and Justice

We demand for a general ban on deporting of Hindus and Sikhs from Afghanistan.

Please do not deport these families:

Mr. Manmeet Singh Mehra with his wife and two children. Mr. Harmeet Singh


These families belong to the minority of Sikhs in Afghanistan. The current situation in Afghanistan is not safe for the minorities. Nobody can take the responsibility of their security.

Deporting these families is unjustifiable.

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Petice zahájena: 20. 11. 2014
Petice končí: 17. 12. 2014
Kraj : Nizozemsko
kategorie : Zahraniční politika


The rights of the children in this decision should not be neglected. As deportation of these childerns would be against the Convention on the Rights of the Child 1990, and specially the Article 3 and 9 which states that in any particular decision involving any child, the rights of a child should not be neglected. Deportation to a country where they become minority thus making them vulnerable for open discrimination should be considered in the decision

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