blocked initiatives — Ireland
These initiatives violate our Terms of Use. The initiators have not submitted a revised version within the set deadline. For reasons of transparency, the reason for the suspension and the text of the initiative remain visible. You can protest the closing of a petition.
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Petitions in other countries/EU in the national language (English)
Stop the Inhuman Treatment of Inmates at Middle River Regional Jail Augusta County
Reason for blocking:
Petitions containing false statements of fact, missing sources, or misleading omission of relevant facts will be terminated. openPetition reserves the right to subsequently request sources in controversial cases or to have essential facts supplemented.
Please substantiate your statements with sources (link/URL) or mark them as your own opinion
Canadians and Americans present this Petition on Freedom of Speech to President Trump.
Reason for blocking:
Petitions containing false statements of fact, missing sources, or misleading omission of relevant facts will be terminated. openPetition reserves the right to subsequently request sources in controversial cases or to have essential facts supplemented.
Please substantiate your statements with sources (link/URL) or mark them as your own opinion
Demand ASA monitor and Dr.Shafer issue public apology for racist remarks
Reason for blocking:
Petitions containing false statements of fact, missing sources, or misleading omission of relevant facts will be terminated. openPetition reserves the right to subsequently request sources in controversial cases or to have essential facts supplemented.
Please substantiate your statements with sources (link/URL) or mark them as your own opinion
Demanding Action: Government of Germany Put Pressure on Ethiopian Gov´t to Stop Killings of Oromo
Reason for blocking:
Petitions containing false statements of fact, missing sources, or misleading omission of relevant facts will be terminated. openPetition reserves the right to subsequently request sources in controversial cases or to have essential facts supplemented.
Please include links to sources to support your statements.
stop human rights violations in Ukraine
Reason for blocking:
Petitions containing false statements of fact, missing sources, or misleading omission of relevant facts will be terminated. openPetition reserves the right to subsequently request sources in controversial cases or to have essential facts supplemented.
Please name a source for the following statements: ". In the meantime, at least fifty people died trying to cross the border, some wanted to live a normal life, others just wanted to see their families, but this was not destined to come true."
Medical Psycological Investigation must be adapted to scientific standards not the profit interest
Reason for blocking:
Petitions containing false statements of fact, missing sources, or misleading omission of relevant facts will be terminated. openPetition reserves the right to subsequently request sources in controversial cases or to have essential facts supplemented.
Bitte belegen Sie folgede Aussagen mit Quellen (Link/ URL): - "Die Verlagerung und Konzentration der Macht auf den Fachminister Wissing durch, dass Regeln in Form einer Verordnung geht auf den sehr korrupten Drogenbeauftragten Eduard Lintner/CDU in 1997 zurück,welcher 122 EU Ratsmitglieder bestach und nun im EU Parlaments Hausverbot hat." - "Die Folgen der Methodik sind auch bei MPU Absolventen sichtbar. Selbstmordrate ist sehr erhöht."
Ban Knarzlette from ps2cobalt
Reason for blocking:
Petitions which, from a subjective point of view, disparage (the behaviour of) persons or groups and judge them in general terms will be terminated and blocked. Petitions in which blanket attributions are made to entire groups of people that cannot be substantiated and merely reflect one's own opinion are also inadmissible. An objective and justified criticism of public persons or groups in relation to their public activity is permissible.