
Strengthen LUT's Coronavirus Response

Petitioner not public
Petition is addressed to
Lappeenranta University of Technology

10 signatures

Petitioner did not submit the petition.

10 signatures

Petitioner did not submit the petition.

  1. Launched 2020
  2. Collection finished
  3. Submitted
  4. Dialogue
  5. Failed

Petition is addressed to: Lappeenranta University of Technology

Parts of LUT's Coronavirus Response are inadequate. While the university has published communications and implemented policies that address COVID-19, there are a few things missing.

This petition requests the following changes to LUT's COVID-19 response

1) Better communication with students that are subject to quarantine upon arrival.

  • The university needs to publish information for how to procure food without going to the store. The Lappeenranta city website has instructions (in Finnish) which is a great starting point [1].

  • This should include instructions on how to use these services.

  • The university needs to clearly instruct foreign students that are in their quarantine that they should avoid going to the store. (Currently, a message posted on facebook states that it is ok to go to the store 1-2 times during quarantine). While the Finnish government guidelines allow for necessary shopping, the aforementioned resources mean that it is not necessary to physically go to the store.

  • This is true for both exchange students and existing students who travelled during the summer

2) Publish a plan for when a coronavirus case is found on campus.

  • Rumors are circulating that there is no plan and that the administration is simply hoping that this eventuality will not happen. If that is indeed the current situation, please formulate a plan and publish it. If the plan already exists, please share it with the community. We should be hoping for the best but planning for the worst.

3) Support students in quarantine so that no trips to the grocery store can be considered necessary

  • LUT should take responsibility for students that were only allowed entry into Finland due to their ties to LUT.

  • LUT should organize a welcome packet for students with a few days of non perishable food until the new arrivals are settled in enough to use the delivery services available

  • LUT should create a matchmaking service for mattresses and other first day supplies that new arrivals need so that students don't have to shop during their quarantine



According to Eksote, the largest coronavirus risk in the region is from abroad. [2]

"Before last week's new infection, 24 infections were detected in the Exote area last spring. Where did these infections come from?

  • They were almost all obvious cases, ie first the infections came from abroad and when the borders of Uusimaa opened, the infections came from there."

Foreign exchange students are already arriving. Without any support, they are all going shopping in the store.

Here are anonymous anecdotal examples of this:

  • One of my tutees believes it’s essential to go out and buy a TV before quarantining... I couldn’t convince him otherwise.

  • For the shop, my roommate want to go this afternoon, because admin said in the group that we were allowed to go one or two time during the quarantine because LUT won’t give us food delivery !

  • And they say it’s just quarantine from campus and not stores

  • Well, guess what... my tutee arrived and haven't heard of him. I text "hey, have you arrived?" Yes, I had to go city center for shopping....

  • They just arrived from Greece, austria, Estonia then started to come to uni going to store, going to party


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Petition details

Petition started: 08/23/2020
Petition ends: 09/05/2020
Region: Lappeenranta
Topic: Health


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