Περιοχή: Gemeindeverwaltung Horgen, Alte Landstrase 25, 8810 Horgen
Προστασία μειονοτήτων

Save "Wine & Jazz"

Ο αναφέρων δεν είναι δημόσιος
Η αναφορά απευθύνεται σε
Frau Regine Hoffmann

24 Υπογραφές

Ο εκκινητής του αιτήματος δεν υπέβαλε αίτηση.

24 Υπογραφές

Ο εκκινητής του αιτήματος δεν υπέβαλε αίτηση.

  1. Ξεκίνησε 2019
  2. Η συλλογή ολοκληρώθηκε
  3. Υποβληθέντα
  4. Διάλογος
  5. Απέτυχε

Petition richtet sich an: Frau Regine Hoffmann

Wine and Jazz has recently received pressure from the neighboring residents of Löwengasse regarding noise emission.

We (the other neighbors) wish a smooth resolution as we care deeply about and rely on this restaurant for exchanges with other neighbors.


According to Swiss law a reasonable volume until 10 pm needs to be established. We have observed that Wine and Jazz has been very diligent in operating their venue so that the doors stay closed after 10pm in order to be respectful to the neighbors. We believe this is acceptable.

This petition is formal support not only for Wine & Jazz but for the character of James Ramdin. We know James as a respected and dedicated professional businessman who has an incredible heart and kindness to him. He is one of the most generous and supportive people we know and certainly has brought a lot to the community over the last five years.
We are aware that there are some people who may discriminate against him and there will always be a few people within a community who will find something to complain about. James has given us a place to communicate, socialize and enjoy wine and dine. We hope that we will enjoy “Wine & Jazz” for the years to come.

Please help us support James by signing this petition:

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Στοιχεία για το ψήφισμα

Petition gestartet: 18/07/2019
Petition endet: 17/10/2019
Περιοχή: Gemeindeverwaltung Horgen, Alte Landstrase 25, 8810 Horgen
Κατηγορία: Προστασία μειονοτήτων

Αυτή η αναφορά έχει μεταφραστεί στις ακόλουθες γλώσσες


  • Petition wurde nicht eingereicht

    στον/-ην/-ο 18.10.2020

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    Wir bedanken uns herzlich für Ihr Engagement und die Unterstützung,
    Ihr openPetition-Team


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Αυτή η αναφορά έχει μεταφραστεί στις ακόλουθες γλώσσες

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