Diritti civili

Petition für die Liberalisierung des Zölibats

Firmatorio non aperto al pubblico
La petizione va a
Papst Franziskus

5.252 Firme

Il destinatario della petizione non ha risposto.

5.252 Firme

Il destinatario della petizione non ha risposto.

  1. Iniziato 2018
  2. Raccolta voti terminata
  3. Presentata
  4. Dialogo
  5. Mancate

30/10/2019, 10:19

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Dear co-signatories of the petition on the liberalization of celibacy for world priests

Having returned from my absence of several weeks, I found in my post a letter from the Vatican. In it, Prelate Paolo Borgia writes that Pope Francis has taken note of the petition and my remarks.


Dear Mrs. Camartin,
I hereby confirm the receipt of your letter by which you send Pope Francis a petition concerning clerical celibacy.
In the name of His Holiness, I inform you that yours
Statements were noted.
The Holy Father encloses you in his prayers and asks you
God's help and faithful escort.
Best wishes and best regards
Prelate Paolo Borgia

Dear co-signatories
I am pleased with this written confirmation. Now I trust that the Holy Spirit will do the rest in this matter.

I thank all of you again for the support and for the prayer and remain with cordial greetings,

Florentina Camartin

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