Direitos civis

Bosnian (male and female) – The foundation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

A petição é dirigida a
EU Parlament, White house Washington DC USA
1.644 Apoiador
16% alcançado 10.000 para objectivo de colecta
1.644 Apoiador
16% alcançado 10.000 para objectivo de colecta
  1. Iniciado setembro 2023
  2. Colecta ainda > 6 semanas
  3. Submissão
  4. Diálogo com o destinatário
  5. Decisão

Concordo que meus dados serão armazenados . Eu decido quem pode ver meu apoio. Posso revogar este consentimento a qualquer momento .


We demand the right of national declaration as A Bosnian (male and female)


In post-Dayton Bosnia and Herzegovina, pre-prescribed ethnic categories (Bosniaks, Serbs, Croats) were granted all political rights. At the same time, these rights are denied to all other citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina, who are also classified in the category of "others". [1], [2], [3]
Bosnians demand
*introduction of the official name in the census in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Bosnian
*the right of every member of the Bosnian nation to elect and be elected for all functions, including the President of the   state
*Bosnia and Herzegovina one constituency
Therefore, we invite you to strengthen the foundation of Bosnia and Herzegovina with your signature
Initiator of the initiative:
Bosnian Academic Society EU / European Union (BADEU)
˙[1]EUROPEAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS: Sejdic and Finci v. Bosnia and Hercegovina: https://hudoc.echr.coe.int/fre?i=001-96491 ;
[2] EuroNews, 29.08.2023: Bosnia and Herzegovina elections undemocratic, amplify ethnic divisions - Human Rights Court
[3] EUROPEAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS: Zornic v. Bosnia and Hercegovina: https://hudoc.echr.coe.int/fre?i=002-9578 )
Thank you for your support, Gesellschaft Bosnischer Akademiker in Europa, Wien 

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Ainda não há nenhum argumento a favor (PRO).

Nema smisla dodavati još jednu rubriku gdje bi se ljudi izjašnjavali kao Bosanci,dodavanjem još jedne rubrike samo bi se podijelio patriotski dio stanovništva a time i bi se konačno i država oslabila/podijelila.

Porque as pessoas assinam

I want my country Bosnia and Herzegovina to become democratic, stable, prosperos and secure. So that every citizen can be equol before the law and with election, one person, one vote. To eliminate all discriminations imposed by Deyton Agreement.

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