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Petition is addressed to: European Parliament, Council of Europe
On Sunday, December 17th, parliamentary, provincial, and local elections took place in Serbia. However, the international observer mission of ODIHR/OSCE revealed deeply worrying democratic irregularities. This not only contradicts Serbia‘s EU integration process, but also and foremost the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia as such.
In order to address the shortcomings of the election and to support democracy in Serbia and its path to the EU we demand:
- Establishing up a Commission out of representatives of the Council of Europe Group of States against Corruption (GRECO), the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), the European Commission and the Venice Commission to analyse all institutional circumstances and political processes from the announcement of the early elections, the preparation, to holding the elections and finally counting the votes.
- Repeating all elections in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia and under the supervision of this Commission. That means monitoring if all existing state institutions and public bodies fulfill their tasks without violating the Serbian Constitution:
- The President of Serbia, Mr. Aleksandar Vučić, must keep out of the elections, just according to his public office and by that fulfills his constitutional and supra-party role (see Art. 111 of the Serbian Constitution and Art. 5.4. of the OSCE Declaration of Copenhagen in 1990).
- The National Parliament has to sanction all misbehavior by the Serbian President (Art. 118 of the Serbian Constitution).
- Only politicians running for office legally have the right for campaigning.
- The Anti Corruption Agency must report grievances in accordance with its function.
- Moreover, the Regulatory Agency for Electronic Media (REM) has to seriously investigate abuses and act independently.
- The public service broadcasting, concretely RTS stations have to present all candidates in a neutral and non-biased way. No denunciation of the political candidates is allowed. Therefore all reporting on the election campaigns as well as all reports on topics and actors outside those campaigns go along with Article 51 of the Constitution, the Law on Public Media Services and the Rulebook on the Protection of Human Rights in the Field of Media Services.
- No interference or pressure by the ruling party SNS, neither by media, social media nor informally by personally calling the eligible voters is allowed.
- The voting procedure as such has to be systematically and strictly checked to avoid any kind of manipulations such as buses transferring voters from Republika Srpska to Belgrade who do not permanently reside in Belgrade, or other electoral manipulation, such as the use of previously filled-in ballots.
- All arrested protesters who were merely exercising their freedom of expression must be released immediately.
As individuals deeply concerned with the situation in Serbia, we strongly support a process under international supervision that restores democracy and free and fair elections in Serbia to help the country’s path to membership in the European Union.
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