Piirkond : Innsbruck

More Official Bike-Trails for Innsbruck 🚲

Petitsioon on adresseeritud
City council

5 430 allkirjad

Petitsiooni esitaja ei esitanud petitsiooni.

5 430 allkirjad

Petitsiooni esitaja ei esitanud petitsiooni.

  1. Algatatud 2022
  2. Kogumine valmis
  3. Esitatud
  4. Dialoog
  5. Ebaõnnestus

Petition richtet sich an: City council

Say yes to the Hofwald trail staying open! (min. until season end 31.10.22)!
Say yes to an expanded trail offering in the greater Innsbruck area! 
Say yes to friendly coexistence in nature! 
More official mountain bike trails are needed in the greater Innsbruck area, this is the only way to de-congest Innsbruck's hiking trails.
After only one week, half of the officially approved mountain bike trail in the Hofwald (Hötting district, Innsbruck), which was financed with tax money, has been closed again. The reason for this is the fear of conflicts between pilgrims and mountain bikers at crossing points. 
We are convinced that these fears are not a reason for wasting 120,000 euros of taxpayers' money. An official trail network for mountain bikers is the right way to ensure peaceful coexistence on the mountain. 
You see it the same way? Then support the local MTB community with your vote! 


Many mountain bikers, hardly any official trails offered.
Without the Hofwald Trail Innsbruck offers only 10 km of official trails. In comparison, a recent study by the state of Tyrol shows that another 110 km of trails are regularly used by mountain bikers. This result shows how great the need for official trails in Innsbruck is. The Hofwald Trail is the first big step in this direction in years. 
Especially in autumn, when vacation and bike park season are already over, the pressure in the city area increases. Opening the Hofwald Trail until 10/31/22 can reduce this pressure and the potential for conflict already this year
Official and legal trails divert traffic
Since 2015, the Arzler Alm Trail proves that official trails draw mountain bikers. With 45,000 rides a year (500 rides on peak days), the MTB trail is used and enjoyed a lot. At the same time, paths and climbs in the vicinity of the Arzler Alm Trail are hardly ridden or not ridden at all. The Hofwald Trail in Hötting and surrounding areas (Viller Kopf, Natterer Boden, etc.) can also have this diversion effect.
Crossing trails and getting to know them
Hiking trails cross roads, forest trails or even mountain bike trails in many places - without conflicts!
As already considered in the planning phase, the crossing points on the Hofwald Trail are built in a safe and encounter-friendly way: Mountainbikers are slowed down by wooden railings and have to get off their bikes to cross the path to the Höttinger Bild. So there is enough time for a friendly smile or a nice conversation
Your vote counts
In order for projects to work in the long term and tax money to be invested wisely, it is important to bring all stakeholders together. With your signature you support not only mountain bikers. Because every vote for an official mountain bike offering is a YES for a regulated cooperation, a YES for the relief of landowners and a YES for the cooperative design of Innsbruck's recreational area.

Täname Teid toetuse eest, MTBInnsbruck Innsbruck
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Petition gestartet: 05.09.2022
Petition endet: 01.11.2022
Piirkond : Innsbruck
teema: Sport

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