Regiune: Viena
Mediu inconjurator


Petiția se adresează
City of Vienna
11.392 9.809 in Viena
1961% din 500 pentru cvorum
11.392 9.809 in Viena
1961% din 500 pentru cvorum
  1. A început 2021
  2. Colecția încă > 1 an
  3. Supunere
  4. Dialog cu destinatarul
  5. Decizie

Sunt de acord ca datele mele să fie stocate . Eu decid cine poate vedea sprijinul meu. Pot revoca acest consimțământ în orice moment .


18.10.2023, 17:19

It was really dreamlike! The Westbahnpark got inaugurated with kettledrums and trumpets, guitar and electronic sound, with a big demonstration, vivid politics and a live concert. Mayor Michael Ludwig, City Councillor for Planning Ulrike Sima and City Councillor for the Environment Jürgen Czernohorszky surprised the enthusiastic crowd and cut the red ribbon!
It's almost too good to be true!
More in our website ( or social media (

On top of that: we also cracked the 10,000! 🎉
The petition now has over 10,000 signatures supporting the Volkspark West! Better than any dream!
We make the Westbahnpark ours! Jetzt!

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