Région: Vienne

STOP - Support for the distribution of usable food

Le pétitionnaire n'est pas public
La pétition est adressée à
Mr. Mayor Dr. Michael LUDWIG Vice-Mayor Ms. Birgit HEBEIN Vice-Mayor Mr. Dominik NEPP, MA
95 Soutien 57 en Vienne

La pétition a été retirée par le pétitionnaire

95 Soutien 57 en Vienne

La pétition a été retirée par le pétitionnaire

  1. Lancé 2019
  2. Collecte terminée
  3. Soumis
  4. Dialogue
  5. Echoué

08/08/2020 à 15:58

Danke für ihr Engagement etwas bewegen zu wollen. Der Versuch eine Lücke der Lebensmittelverschwendung zu schließen ist leider nicht gelungen. Tragen sie dennoch dazu bei diesen Gedanken weiter zu verbreiten. Danke.

Thank you for your commitment to wanting to make a difference. The attempt to close a gap in food waste has unfortunately not been successful. Nevertheless, help spread these thoughts further. Thank you.

09/09/2019 à 20:29

Supplement in English language.

Neue Begründung: The reason that food is thrown away is as complex as it is different. On the one hand, the food trade has legal requirements, on the other hand, the consumer needs of us consumers to meet. This leads to the fact that still impeccable food does not find its way into the garbage can, but in many places to charitable organizations such as the Wiener Tafel, Le+O and similar, for the needy are forwarded. Still, many households still end up in the bin every day.
Something is happening, WORLDWIDE! We can change the city, the country, the world! First stop, VIENNA!
Nothing is done seriously! Challenge my city government to pass a law that ends this ridiculous reality once and for all! This is an impartial affair. We must unite and do this for our children and families, our citizens and our country. Be part of the solution. Your signature is important. Share with friends. Let's get more signatures!
Thank you for your support, Robert Wutzl from Vienna

Unterschriften zum Zeitpunkt der Änderung: 20 (8 in Wien)

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