Regione: Austrija
Duomenų apsauga

Override mandatory registration! Make our gastronomy free again without data collecting!

Pareiškėjas nėra viešas
Peticija adresuota
Committee for Petitions and Citizens' Initiatives
473 Palaikantis 469 in Austrija

Peticija nebuvo patenkinta

473 Palaikantis 469 in Austrija

Peticija nebuvo patenkinta

  1. Pradėta 2021
  2. Rinkimas baigtas
  3. Pateikta 2021-08-31
  4. Dialogas
  5. Baigta

2023-02-15 12:11

Dear supporter!

Thank you for supporting our previous petition.

Unluckily after we had economical issues and freedom of travel was disband and limited (vaccination passports we remember them all) now our peace in the European Union is at stake.

So what do we do? I don't know. But if its good forcsomething I started a petition to end it. before it escalates further:

You are once again invited to help us. Thank you for you're precious time!!letsstopawar

Kind regards

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