Region: Gablitz

BIG - Bürger:innen Initiative Gablitz: Gemeinsam für unser Dorfzentrum

Petition is addressed to
Gemeinde Gablitz, Österreichische Bundesforste, Kloster Gablitz

631 signatures

The petition is partly accepted.

631 signatures

The petition is partly accepted.

  1. Launched 2021
  2. Collection finished
  3. Submitted on 07 Apr 2022
  4. Dialogue
  5. Partial success


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Weil das derzeitige Zentrumsprojekt bar jeder Vernunft ist! Weil Gablitz Gablitz bleiben soll! Weil auch David gegen Goliath erfolgreich war! Weil die Bürger gehört werden müssen! Weil niemand eine Verkehrslawine will!



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By publishing my post, I accept the terms of use and privacy policy from openPetition. Insults, defamations and untrue statements of fact are reported.

0 Counterarguments
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By publishing my post, I accept the terms of use and privacy policy from openPetition. Insults, defamations and untrue statements of fact are reported.


What are the arguments against the petition?

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